Thursday, April 28, 2011

corazones de amor para dibujar

corazones de amor para dibujar

corazones de amor para dibujar corazones de amor para dibujar corazones de amor para dibujar

corazones de amor para dibujar corazones de amor para dibujar corazones de amor para dibujar

There is only one thing about which I am certain, and that is that there is very little about which one can be certain. ~W. Somerset Maugham

The true way to render age vigorous is to prolong the youth of the mind. ~Mortimer Collins

A visitor from Mars could easily pick out the civilized nations. They have the best implements of war. ~Herbert V. Prochnow

There is luxury in self-reproach.... When we blame ourselves we feel no one else has a right to blame us. ~Oscar Wilde

I believe in prayer. It's the best way we have to draw strength from heaven. ~Josephine Baker

For the night shows stars and women in a better light. ~Lord Byron, Don Juan

When we skim along the surface of history we see little but the rough barren rocks that rise out of it. ~Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers, 1827

I wish I had the gift of making rhymes, for methinks there is poetry in my head and heart since I have been in love with you. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne, letter to wife Sophia, 5 December 1839

Look at the rainbow, and praise him who made it; it is exceedingly beautiful in its brightness. It encircles the sky with its glorious arc; the hands of the Most High have stretched it out. ~Bible, Ecclesiasticus (Apocrypha) 43:11-12

I love America, and I love American women. But there is one thing that deeply shocks me - American closets. I cannot believe one can dress well when you have so much. ~Andree Putman

Not everything that is more difficult is more meritorious. ~Saint Thomas Aquinas

Bring the past only if you are going to build from it. ~Domenico Cieri Estrada

Envy is a littleness of soul, which cannot see beyond a certain point, and if it does not occupy the whole space feels itself excluded. ~William Hazlitt, Characteristics, 1823

The engine is the heart of an airplane, but the pilot is its soul. ~Walter Raleigh

Peace begins with a smile. ~Mother Teresa

Friends are relatives you make for yourself. ~Eustache Deschamps

Men can live without air a few minutes, without water for about two weeks, without food for about two months - and without a new thought for years on end. ~Kent Ruth

So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth. ~Baha'u'llah

Those who sleep under a quilt, sleep under a blanket of love. ~Author Unknown

It has been said that art is a tryst, for in the joy of it maker and beholder meet. ~Kojiro Tomita

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