Friday, April 29, 2011

quotes about boys and girls

quotes about boys and girls

quotes about boys and girls quotes about boys and girls quotes about boys and girls

quotes about boys and girls quotes about boys and girls quotes about boys and girls

One attraction of Latin is that you can immerse yourself in the poems of Horace and Catullus without fretting over how to say, "Have a nice day." ~Peter Brodie

You can live to be a hundred if you give up all things that make you want to live to be a hundred. ~Allen

In an underdeveloped country, don't drink the water; in a developed country, don't breathe the air. ~Changing Times magazine

One attraction of Latin is that you can immerse yourself in the poems of Horace and Catullus without fretting over how to say, "Have a nice day." ~Peter Brodie

It was a book to kill time for those who like it better dead. ~Rose Macaulay

The market does not beat them. They beat themselves, because though they have brains they cannot sit tight. ~Jesse Livermore

You cannot beat a roulette table unless you steal money from it. ~Albert Einstein

We can't win at home and we can't win on the road. My problem as general manager is I can't think of another place to play. ~Pat Williams We catch frightful glimpses of ourselves in the hostile eyes of others. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960

The difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter. ~Author Unknown

If we would only give, just once, the same amount of reflection to what we want to get out of life that we give to the question of what to do with a two weeks' vacation, we would be startled at our false standards and the aimless procession of our busy days. ~Dorothy Canfield Fisher If we would only give, just once, the same amount of reflection to what we want to get out of life that we give to the question of what to do with a two weeks' vacation, we would be startled at our false standards and the aimless procession of our busy days. ~Dorothy Canfield Fisher

Fatigue is the best pillow. ~Benjamin Franklin

If you want to make enemies, try to change something. ~Woodrow Wilson

When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. ~Alexander Graham Bell

Writing is utter solitude, the descent into the cold abyss of oneself. ~Franz Kafka

Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house. ~Henry Ward Beecher

Action will remove the doubts that theory cannot solve. ~Tehyi Hsieh

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking. ~Attributed to Arthur McBride Bloch

A man has one hundred dollars and you leave him with two dollars. That's subtraction. ~Mae West

Today we have a temporary aberration called "industrial capitalism" which is inadvertently liquidating its two most important sources of capital... the natural world and properly functioning societies. No sensible capitalist would do that. ~Amory Lovins

Cats are dangerous companions for writers because cat watching is a near-perfect method of writing avoidance. ~Dan Greenburg

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