Monday, May 23, 2011

2012 honda civic si sedan interior

2012 honda civic si sedan interior. 2012 Honda Civic Si Sedan
  • 2012 Honda Civic Si Sedan

  • Tom B.
    Jul 14, 02:54 PM
    These look really cool, but I hope Apple have at least 1GB of RAM on these as standard, even on the cheapest model as this is supposed to be their most powerful computer. Actually they should have 1GB RAM as standard on all of their computers.

    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. Civic Si Sedan middot; 2010 Honda
  • Civic Si Sedan middot; 2010 Honda

  • Pressure
    Sep 19, 08:57 AM
    So this was a bad time to order a 15.4" MacBook Pro 2.16Ghz, 100GB harddrive, 1GB ram with 256MB VRAM? :p

    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. Honda Civic Mugen Si Sedan
  • Honda Civic Mugen Si Sedan

  • Erasmus
    Jul 20, 11:21 PM
    The nec-plus-ultra would be thinking of a result and getting it (or saying it to your computer) like a photoshop user going: "Well, I would like the sun being more dominant in that picture, the power lines removed, and make those persons look younger". Boom. It happens.

    That would require Artificial Intelligence. If a computer can understand your speech, recognise your choice of words and understands that you don't neccessarily mean what you say all the time, then that's AI. If it can recognise specific objects in an "analogue" media such as a photograph, (I don't care if its a digital photo or not), it's AI. If it can then implement what it has learned alongside its infinite computational precision to remake a photo, while keeping it completely realistic, and making it look exactly how we wanted it to look, that's amazing, and lots of people will be out of jobs.

    But if you have an AI system working for you, what's the point of working? ;)

    BTW, I mean proper "hard" AI, not some pathetic "Ooh, forom your phone number you must live there, therefore I'll direct you to that Pizza Hut outlet! Aren't I smart!" type of AI.

    Erasmus 4 AI, Nuclear Power, GM, Stem Cell Research, and every other form of Science and Technology. Our lives will only benefit from all these, as will our community and our planet.

    Don't Hurt Me.

    I have to ask again, even though others already have, is Kentsfield a drop-in replacement for Conroe, if either a Mid-Tower or the iMac get Conroe? (Or Cloverton or whatever the desktop one is)

    Still hanging out for WWDC2006.

    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. Back to 2012 Honda Civic Si
  • Back to 2012 Honda Civic Si

  • kresh
    Aug 26, 04:41 AM
    If you haven't been reading the comments, it would appear MOST people are complaining about the more recent models. I would agree with most that the Powermac G5's have had serious issues and now recent macbook's... Apple needs to do one of the following ... Higher Quality Assurance testing OR better support cause right now they're missing both.

    I'm 40 years old and literally can't remember how many computers I have purchased for personal use. I normally only keep a computer for 5 or 6 months before getting something newer. I know I had to have purchased 50 or 60 computers for personal use.

    My very first Apple product was a 1.25GHz G4 Mac Mini. (March 2005 I think) On advice from a friend, I purchased this computer and he helped me over-clock it to 1.58GHz and upgrade to 1GB ram.

    I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a power user, but I absolutely love this little computer. It's the best piece of electronics I have ever purchased, and it's the longest time I have ever kept a computer. I just can't imagine using any other operating system, for ANY reason.

    My whole household is now all macs, my wife and 4 kids each have one. The 6 mac mini's that we have in our house are unconditionally flawless.

    I was going to put my Mini on eBay this weekend and get a MacBook Saturday at the Apple store in Raleigh. I was assuming the MacBook was a Mini in a notebook case, but now I'm scared of doing so. If the MacBook is not as nice and reliable as my mini, I would be extremely upset.

    Sorry to ramble on so, but it is really rare for me to find a product, or anything, that has impressed me as much as my Mini has.

    After the long story, would any of you really recommend the MacBook vs my Mini (knowing that I love it so)?

    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. 2012 honda civic si sedan
  • 2012 honda civic si sedan

  • Chip NoVaMac
    Apr 8, 12:03 AM
    Either way it is DEFINITELY poor customer service. If somebody takes the time to drive down to your store and you have stock that has already been received into the inventory system and could be sold and you turn that customer away because the manager is looking out for his performance rating then you just told your customer that the manager's performance goals and ratings are more important than the people who help you achieve those goals with their hard-earned money.

    Amen there brother!

    In working with a family owned type chain store for the last 12+ years; so happy that we take our lumps when hot products come out. Though I miss the days where it was the yearly performance that mattered the most.

    It is maddening at times at how the bean counters and senior management look at things. All one can hope for is a manager like the one that I have that sees my "numbers" don't reflect the way the accounting is done.

    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. 2011 Honda Civic Si sedan
  • 2011 Honda Civic Si sedan

  • ghostlyorb
    Mar 26, 07:48 AM
    I can't wait to get my hands on Lion! It looks pretty cool!

    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. 2012 civic si sedan interior.
  • 2012 civic si sedan interior.

  • Sequin
    Apr 11, 02:35 PM
    I don't mind waiting till September, but not till next year. I still have the iPhone 3 and have been putting off getting a new one till 5.

    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. 2012 Honda Civic view 2
  • 2012 Honda Civic view 2

  • Mess
    Apr 27, 08:22 AM
    completely blown out of proportion!

    The data is sent anonymously and doesn�t give you an accurate pinpoint of where you are if any indication of where you are. It�s not exactly used to come and get you if you have been somewhere you shouldn�t have been :rolleyes: so kick back and relax.

    Way too much fuss about nothing personally! :p

    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. 2012 civic si sedan interior.
  • 2012 civic si sedan interior.

  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 5, 11:39 AM
    Quite true about 'continuation', but economic models probably require that we do, in order to keep the pyramid growing at the base.

    Not sure what that has to do with the price of rice in China.

    I seriously doubt that would be a legitimate complaint against homosexuality, much less color it as "immoral."

    Nevertheless, I know several young, married (straight), professional women who have decided not ever to have children. I can't really identify with that, but it's their choice. Should I tell them they are ****ing up our economic future? :eek:

    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. 2012 honda civic si sedan.
  • 2012 honda civic si sedan.

  • MacBoobsPro
    Jul 20, 09:22 AM
    But as some already pointed out, many applications can't use multiple cores, therefore you won't get any performance improvements with multi cores.

    Im not talking about performance, more about energy usage. I thought maybe they are using more cores as it is more energy efficient than using less cores or one big one. But as someone has pointed out its more likely a case of not having to squeeze more transistor thingies on a chip, they may as well just add another chip. :)

    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. 2012 Civic SI Sedan Concept
  • 2012 Civic SI Sedan Concept

  • 11thIndian
    Apr 6, 06:50 PM
    I mean 3D objects with materials, textures, shaders, better lighting, better shadows, no crashing several times a day...
    3D like ProAnimator FX or Kinemac at least. No plugin required.

    Hey I'm always one for adding more functionality to a program, but I'm no longer naive enough to think that everything I could ever want will come bundled in the Studio. Plug-ins are an essential part of every pro product. When a developer can spend 100% of their time delivering a single feature REALLY well [and get paid for it], it will always be better than what the basic software can provide.

    The best thing Apple can do is provide a solid and powerful base that developers can build their tools on.

    How come no one complains that After Effects doesn't come bundled with Trapcode Particular?

    As to your crashing issues. Obviously I can't say. I do have Motion crash occasionally, but it's no more or less frequent than a similarly complicated AE comp on my system.

    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. 2007 Honda Civic Si
  • 2007 Honda Civic Si

  • skunk
    Mar 4, 03:27 AM
    Invalid because it endorses something that could cause the collapse of society
    What? One person being gay is going to destroy society?? We are SO screwed!

    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. 2011 Honda Civic Si sedan
  • 2011 Honda Civic Si sedan

  • bryanc
    Aug 27, 10:30 AM
    There's nothing stopping Apple, Dell or anyone else from cruising the forums, reading blogs, etc. and collecting the best ideas out there. They may well be doing this already, but they don't need to, because they employ lots of bright people who can generate good ideas as fast as anyone on these forums.

    The problem isn't coming up with the great ideas, it's doing the engineering, marketing, QA and legal wrangling necessary to get an idea implemented in a way that will work well, sell well, and not get you sued.

    Apple has been doing a better job of this, IMHO, than most corporations for the past few years, however, they clearly stepped in a big pile with Creative. Fortunately, Apple has an agile legal team, and they appear to have been able to flick most of it off their shoes and onto those of their competitors with their settlement.

    But my point is, Apple has no shortage of ideas, and the last thing they need is a ton of people filling out web forms with more 'great ideas' that they would wind up having to pay for.


    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. 2012 honda civic si sedan
  • 2012 honda civic si sedan

  • Kevin Monahan
    Apr 6, 01:53 PM
    I don't believe the mercury engine works on anything but nVidia cards.

    Close, but not quite right.

    The Mercury Playback Engine is composed of 3 things:
    1. 64 Bit Application
    2. Multithreaded Application
    3. Processing of some things using CUDA (an NVIDIA card)

    If you don't have a CUDA based video card, you still have the Mercury Playback Engine (software) available. What you probably meant to say is that hardware acceleration for the Mercury Playback Engine is not available unless it's a CUDA card.

    More info:


    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. Your opinion about the Civic#39;s
  • Your opinion about the Civic#39;s

  • Cougarcat
    Mar 26, 05:21 PM
    The only reason to not move to the new OS would be lack of support for current hardware.

    Or software...bye-bye Rosetta. :(

    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. 2012 civic si sedan interior.
  • 2012 civic si sedan interior.

  • Thex1138
    Apr 19, 07:34 PM
    So what's your point? The presence of competition does not harm a competitor? Seems contrary to that whole "competition" word.

    And your next point is what? A successful company should allow a competitor to use it's technology/patents to compete with it? All at the same time as just taking it from all the competitors that sue Apple on the other companies' patents, right?

    How many anti-Apple suing trolls here are also pro-other company suing Apple trolls in other threads?

    So you don't like the way IP law works? Vote for someone who will change the legal structure. Until then, corporations are going to work in the environment your legislators and courts created. Hate the game, not the player.

    Where did i say I don't like how IP works buddy? Where in my post does it read 'don't like the way IP law works' ? Wipe your tears and try again... Don't make $#!t up.

    the rest of your blurb about stuff in your head that I didn't event write isn't worth responding too...

    My anecdote premise was pretty straight forward...
    Two dudes who come from some place where they don't read tech feeds as often as the rest of us here... they go to a city shop and get sold phones that look like the ones they heard about...iPhones... the premise is not necessarily from the US... from any country on the planet where average Joes go to a tech shop to buy a smartphone... they look and feel and work in very similar ways which causes confusion.

    P.S. The whole point of Apple's patent leverage is that they have... patented everything about their devices... form factor, processes, icons and interface... When you read deep into the context and content of Apple's submission which includes these comparisons and that Samsung copied everything and then applying a slight-of-hand to make it look a little different...

    Like i say.. a bunch of Jawa's selling second hand Android's

    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. 2012 civic si sedan interior.
  • 2012 civic si sedan interior.

  • kdarling
    Apr 20, 11:08 AM
    Okay, Knight, you're right. Even the Verizon Galaxy S has more buttons and a patterned back, with a rectangular lens and flash area. Not to mention a WVGA AMOLED screen.

    But it does have a chrome trim ring and the back is curved for comfort!

    Yeah, Apple is reaching a bit here.

    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. 2007 Honda Civic Si sedan
  • 2007 Honda Civic Si sedan

  • ~Shard~
    Jul 14, 02:33 PM
    Maybe one of the drives will be Blu-Ray.

    ... and the other one HD-DVD! :eek: ;) :D

    2012 honda civic si sedan interior. Honda Civic Si and Civic Sedan
  • Honda Civic Si and Civic Sedan

  • dougny
    Nov 28, 06:44 PM
    (Did the music companies ask for money for every CD player or Tape Recorder sold? Nope)

    Actually, they do. They also got paid on every blank tape sold when cassettes were big. I think it is crazy for everyone to think that the music industry is greedy when it getting squeezed out of all of their revenue streams. So, Apple makes hundreds of millions off of their back on the itunes site, and a billion off of iPod sales, and they cannot share in the wealth?

    It doesn't cost the consumer any more, why wouldn't you want the people who actually make the music you are listening to get compensated?

    This debate is stale. People want something for nothing.

    Mar 31, 03:16 PM
    Honeycomb is still not released as far as I know. When it's released and the code is not available, then we can talk.

    The Motorola Xoom ships with Honeycomb. It has been released. You miss that???

    Nov 28, 10:22 PM
    This is ridiculous. The record companies are obsessed with money. They didnt seek royalties on CD players but iPods are somehow different. They are MUSIC PLAYERS. They record industry should have no part in music hardware, its just ridiculous.:mad:

    Jun 11, 03:50 PM
    I used to work at radioshack too and the resources there suck. Activation will take longer than usual and they can mess up your account/credit. I hated activating phones cause it was a hassle since we were not connected directly with carriers.

    Now for Radioshack. Brother-in-Law goes and his credit gets run twice by child who works at Radioshack and signs him up to expensive plan. So they have to call their 3rd party service provider and the manager there and employee make a big mess of his ATT account and turns out the phone they had was from a customer return, not even brand new. He ends up just getting bad credit after 4 hrs in the stuffy dusty shack. We go to apple next week, now he has to put deposit cause his credit was messed up but guess what? thats right apple waived it as they saw the mistake and he gets a brand new phone. :) Radioshack = worse place to get any phone Apple = smart well trained employees

    I just talked about these cases closest to me but I'll tell you those Radioshack employees are the worst to buy any cellphone from. you take a risk with your credit, used phone possibly, long activations, and bad locale.

    Just wanted to say that generally when people have these types of experiences, they are at RadioShack franchises and not company-run (corporate) stores. I have worked at both in the past, and though it's been about 6 years, I can say that things were definitely very different.

    Franchise stores, at the time, did indeed work through 3rd party processors for cell phones so it was easier to mess things up. However, it was all through a web interface so more often than not the problems stemmed from the interface crashing or it not being up to date with the latest promotions, etc, than actual user error.

    Corporate stores also ran through a web interface but it was directly through the carrier so it was much more reliable.

    The bigger problem with cell phones at RadioShack was consistency. The sales flyers would always talk about this deal or that deal, and oftentimes that deal wasn't even offered to franchise stores.

    I think a bit of this has been resolved, and I wouldn't mind getting a phone through RadioShack nowadays if there was a good promotion.

    However, as someone else said, RadioShack prices on most other things are ridiculously high. I felt terrible when I saw a guy at our store sell this old man a 30-ft HDMI cable for $300. Not kidding at all. I don't know how they stay in business, their prices on most things are not competitive at all.


    Sep 19, 12:55 AM
    Does it even MATTER if Apple keeps up? Do we actually WANT Apple to release a new computer every month when Intel bumps up their chips a few megahertz?

    See, it's easy to get lost in the specs war. The Mac Pros came out and I was salivating, even though I have a dual 2.0GHz G5 sitting at home. And then one day, as I was editing some HD footage, it occurred ot me that my G5 here - my now outdated G5 - was editing 1080p high-def footage without so much as a flinch. It was SO fast it was not even necessary at all.

    So I really have to ask - does Apple really need to get into that stupid-ass PC specs war? Is it really hurting you guys that Apple has been slow to update? Are you really doing tasks that the current computer lineup cannot do?

    It is not the speed that I care about but the 64bit processing. I plan on keeping the thing for a few years and want to take full advantage of any 64bit software on my laptop.

    Oh and with the spec wars comes price drops which I also wouldn't mind. We are so use to paying more for our Apples b/c we had no comparison. But, now we can really compare apples to apples. Anything else is just excuses.

    However, I am willing to pay more for Apples reliability, ease of use, and lack of numerous viruses. But, not too much more.

    Aug 5, 10:15 PM
    Do you have any feel for when we will see a roll-out of the pro apps? I recall quite a bit of rumor-mongering just before the Intel announcement. Since then it has been rather silent. I thought the sudden drop in Quake might be a precursor to something fairly soon??

    Are you talking about the price drop on Shake? And besides the CS products what Pro apps are you talking about?

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