Sunday, May 8, 2011

amor eterno

amor eterno

amor eterno amor eterno amor eterno

amor eterno amor eterno amor eterno

98% of all statistics are made up. ~Author Unknown

As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat. ~Ellen Perry Berkeley

But make no mistake: the weeds will win; nature bats last. ~Robert M. Pyle

The happiness which is lacking makes one think even the happiness one has unbearable. ~Joseph Roux

Grandmother - a wonderful mother with lots of practice. ~Author Unknown

The way my life goes, I can't tell if there are pits in my cherries or cherries among my pits, philosophically speaking. ~Rhann Morgan

A living planet is a much more complex metaphor for deity than just a bigger father with a bigger fist. If an omniscient, all-powerful Dad ignores your prayers, it's taken personally. Hear only silence long enough, and you start wondering about his power. His fairness. His very existence. But if a world mother doesn't reply, Her excuse is simple. She never claimed conceited omnipotence. She has countless others clinging to her apron strings, including myriad species unable to speak for themselves. To Her elder offspring She says - go raid the fridge. Go play outside. Go get a job. Or, better yet, lend me a hand. I have no time for idle whining. ~David Brin

The excellence of aphorisms consists not so much in the expression of some rare or abstruse sentiment, as in the comprehension of some useful truth in few words. ~Samuel Johnson

Soon silence will have passed into legend. Man has turned his back on silence. Day after day he invents machines and devices that increase noise and distract humanity from the essence of life, contemplation, meditation... tooting, howling, screeching, booming, crashing, whistling, grinding, and trilling bolster his ego. His anxiety subsides. His inhuman void spreads monstrously like a gray vegetation. ~Jean Arp

Moonlight is sculpture. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day. ~Irv Kupcinet

Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice. ~Author Unknown

It is the love of country that has lighted and that keeps glowing the holy fire of patriotism. ~J. Horace McFarland

Adolescence is a period of rapid changes. Between the ages of 12 and 17, for example, a parent ages as much as 20 years. ~Author Unknown

And who can doubt that it will lead to the worst disorders when minds created free by God are compelled to submit slavishly to an outside will? When we are told to deny our senses and subject them to the will of others? ~Galileo Galilei

Welcome to the Church of the Holy Cabbage. Lettuce pray. ~Author Unknown

If every fool wore a crown, we should all be kings. ~Welsh Proverb

A psychiatrist asks a lot of expensive questions your wife asks for nothing. ~Joey Adams

A father is available to help his daughter balance both her love and her anger toward her mother, to moderate the inevitable emotional extremes in the intense mother-daughter equation. With Daddy's steadying influence daughters can learn to be comfortable with healthy anger, rather than feeling that they must be eternal good girls who must at all costs conceal it. ~Victoria Secunda

Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life. The only completely consistent people are the dead. ~Aldous Huxley

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