Sunday, May 15, 2011

beluga whale

beluga whale. baby eluga whale exits
  • baby eluga whale exits

  • Aduntu
    Apr 23, 02:16 AM
    the word day is used over 2000 times in the old testament, and you want to change the meaning of only six of them? Especially since the creation passages define the light as "day" and the darkness as "night", day is clearly defined as 24hrs

    The six creative "days" occurred after the creation of the "heavens and the earth." That means the universe (and the earth) was in existence for an indefinite amount of time before the creative days began.

    The word translated "day" can mean various lengths of time, not just a 24-hour period. Genesis 2:4 refers to God creating the "heavens and the earth" in a single day, yet Exodus 20:11 says it took six days to create the "heavens and the earth." By calling light day and darkness night, it's actually showing that only a portion of a 24-hour period is defined by the term "day." When the sun comes up at your house and then goes down, does that equal an entire day, lasting 24 hours? Psalms 90:4 says that a thousand years to man is merely a day to God. So how can you logically conclude that the term "day" is strictly indicating a 24-hour period?

    beluga whale. eluga whale being born in
  • eluga whale being born in

  • chrono1081
    Apr 20, 08:37 PM
    Go to Folder Option, select View pane, check "Show hidden files, folders and drives". Click Apply. Windows worked like this for decades.

    Nope, doesn't work that way for many viruses. Even if you have show hidden files and folders and show hidden system files check to show they still don't necessarily show thats the problem, its either a bug in the OS or something legit that people are exploiting. You can't even get them in command prompt but you can see them when plugged into other OS's. They are usually in a folder along with a script that does something to keep them hidden, or something somewhere else keeps them hidden.

    beluga whale. Photo: Beluga whale swimming
  • Photo: Beluga whale swimming

  • joepunk
    Mar 11, 06:19 PM
    0014: Japan declares a state of emergency at the Fukushima-Daini power plant, where three of its reactors failed, the Associated Press reports. It says a state of emergency is already in place at the nearby Fukushima-Daiichi plant, where two reactors failed.

    beluga whale. Beluga Whale Stuffed Animal
  • Beluga Whale Stuffed Animal

  • TheRealTVGuy
    Mar 18, 01:41 AM
    Option 3; STOP trying to cheat the system, and START using your iDevice the way the manufacturer designed it and the way your carrier supports it. (Is it unfair? YES! Are all of us iPhone users getting hosed, even though there's now two carriers? YES)

    And while you're at it, knock off the piracy with the napster/limewire/torrent crap.

    (Yeah, I said it! SOMEBODY had to!)

    beluga whale. Beluga whales swim off the
  • Beluga whales swim off the

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 25, 07:05 PM
    I bet if you drink and swear enough you can get your hours cut back. Nothing says retirement like excessive liability.

    You don't know how wise your words are, with one bureaucratic "charity" that I have to deal with.

    They are nothing, if they are not all-consumed by worry over "liability".

    Good evening skunk. Nice to see you in such good health.

    beluga whale. Beluga Whale Photo
  • Beluga Whale Photo

  • Gators Fan
    Jun 19, 11:55 AM
    It'd be great if we could get an engineer-type on here that actually knows how all this stuff's supposed to work. Not a flack from AT&T, or another pissed-off complaining customer, but someone who can say "It isn't working properly because. . ." in a fashion we can all understand. Just saying.

    beluga whale. Picture of Beluga Whale
  • Picture of Beluga Whale

  • Frobozz
    Apr 15, 10:12 AM
    That was a great video. My brother is gay and life as a teenager was very difficult in the small town we grew up in. Honestly, these lessons are important for all children who are bullied. Those P.O.S. bullies are usually doomed to a terrible life, and those who are bullied can blossom into real people. Folks, I knew a kid who killed himself over a bad report card. It was a straw the broke the camel's back, for sure-- but if you don't give yourself a chance to outlast the bad parts, you're selling yourself short. Give yourself a chance to live long and pass away with a wonderful life full of experiences and love.

    I hope that video helps people see past their current predicament with bullies!

    beluga whale. Baby Beluga Whale Photos and
  • Baby Beluga Whale Photos and

  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 13, 04:46 PM
    One word.


    You know not a good solution and batteries go bad.

    That being said I might as well give a better answer to Night than batteries. That is we can store the heat energy from the sun to make it threw the night and already do it. Most large solar arrayes used for power reflect the light onto a centeral point and make a heat engine that boils water and turns it to steam that goes threw a turbine to provided power.

    Now that energy can be stored and I believe we do it by heating up salt to a liquid form and used that to move the heat to boil the water into steam. We store the liquid salt over night.
    Now I will say that solar is no were close to as effience as coal or gas power planets and their theorical max is by far lower.

    beluga whale. Beluga Whale Toy Replica
  • Beluga Whale Toy Replica

  • Multimedia
    Oct 31, 05:01 PM
    Can you elaborate on that? I have a pending Mac Pro purchase for my recording studio, based on Pro Tools, and I can't decide if I would benefit from the additional cores. I know Pro Tools can't utilize more then 2 at a time, but I'm wondering if all the additional processing (virtual effects, instruments, etc) would get a boost...Think long term. All the pro software is being re-written right now to take advantage of more cores at once. So short term you're right. But knowing how processor intensive music applications in particular are, not unlike video application compression work, you're gonna be glad you waited for the 8-core intstead - if you can wait since we don't really know the WHEN part for sure. Guessing November 14th don't make it so til the release hits the web. :)

    beluga whale. eluga whale pictures. a eluga
  • eluga whale pictures. a eluga

  • zioxide
    Mar 13, 09:03 AM
    I'd be willing to bet that our crusades for oil have costs thousands of more lives than nuclear power accidents ever have.

    beluga whale. Beluga whale image for article
  • Beluga whale image for article

  • Gelfin
    Mar 26, 01:50 AM
    However it isn't tyranny because the government isn't actually depriving them of liberty, merely not supporting them.

    You will say anything to rationalize your prejudice, won't you? I have trouble believing anyone is as dense as you pretend here.

    Just in case, though, the government offers legal concessions to men and women who legally (not religiously) commit to a marriage. It refuses to extend those same concessions to same-sex couples, and can demonstrate no legitimate state interest in this discrimination. That is denial of equal treatment under the law, and is unconstitutional.

    beluga whale. Beluga Whale, Point Defiance
  • Beluga Whale, Point Defiance

  • scoobydoo99
    May 2, 09:45 AM
    Users are of course reminded that day-to-day system usage with standard accounts rather than administrator ones, as well as unchecking the Safari option for automatically opening "safe" files, are two of the simplest ways users can enhance their online security, adding extra layers of confirmation and passwords in the way of anything being installed on their systems.

    um, NO THANKS. why in the world would i add "extra layers of confirmation" to my OS X experience?!?! If I wanted nag windows, I'd use Windows!

    beluga whale. Beluga Whale
  • Beluga Whale

  • ddtlm
    Oct 12, 07:40 PM
    Anyway I've had my fun here for now. I think it is settled that the G4 does poorly at this particular float test. I've done everything I can think of and gone though all sorts of variations of the loop trying to increase the IPC but I could never make significant headway on either the PC or the Mac.

    That said, this test is essentialy a test where we do 400000000 double precision square roots which we don't even store and nothing else. There are no memory access, only very predictable branches. I have radically changed the loop and compiler flags and essentially nothing besides the sqrt() makes any difference.

    I do not regard this test as important in the overall picture. It does not illustrate anything important to anyone, unless someone sits around doing square roots all day.

    I might also add that designing a meaningful benchmark is very hard. I think SPEC is about as good as it gets, and yes the G4 looses in floats there too. :)

    beluga whale. Beluga Whale Endangered
  • Beluga Whale Endangered

  • PghLondon
    Apr 28, 01:34 PM
    It would help the iPad, in the manner you are describing it, if, like an Android/Honeycomb tablet it was a machine in it's own right.

    If you look at the way it works, and the way Apple have designed the OS, it's obvious that Apple do not see the iPad as an independent PC, and that Apple themselves see it, and have designed it to be just an extension of your "Real" personal computer.

    We are having to rely on 3th party apps to get around Apple's official built in limitations for the device, It's linked totally to just one computer running iTunes, you can't even connect it to say your PC, your friends, PC and your works PC to upload and download data to and from the various machines.

    The iPad, as designed, with Apples official software is made so that you set thing up and organise things on your PC or Mac, then you dock your iPad (your mobile extension of your PC) you do a few things, then you come back, re-dock the iPad and it get's backed up.

    This whole argument is asinine.

    If you don't have a PC, there's nothing that you need to "sync" or "move files" from. And the iPad works perfectly fine on its own.

    You're saying that "if I have files on my PC, I need a PC to get them to my iPad". No kidding!

    beluga whale. Beluga Whale
  • Beluga Whale

  • Porchland
    Mar 18, 03:06 PM
    In interviews Steve Jobs has gone on record saying that unbreakable DRM is impossible. What you're seeing from Apple is a "good enough" strategy. After all, they don't really care, it's only there to appease the RIAA.


    Apple will make another "good enough" fix to block it for another 6 months. But they really don't care. Although externally they "care", I bet internally it doesn't particularly bother them because ITMS is so big that the record companies can't afford to pull out of it.

    Suggesting that Apple isn't concerned about DRM any further than needed to appease the record labels is ridiculous. Apple doesn't care about the integrity of its business model unless the RIAA is on on its back?

    That's like saying Honda doesn't care whether its airbags deploy correctly unless the airbag contract is on its back. A defective product -- whether it's an iTMS track without DRM or a Honda with bad airbags -- isn't good for the manufacturer. Apple needs for its DRM to be good to protect its OWN future revenues through iTMS -- not just the record labels' profits.

    beluga whale. Beluga whales in Santa hats
  • Beluga whales in Santa hats

  • BornAgainMac
    May 6, 06:31 AM
    Maybe it isn't AT&T but the iPhone caller that is bragging about his iPhone, iMac, Apple, and Microsoft is dead, Flash sucks, Google copies... <click>

    beluga whale. eluga whale
  • eluga whale

  • KnightWRX
    May 2, 09:45 AM
    The Unix Permission system, how a virus on Windows can just access your system and non-owned files, where Unix/Linux dosen't like that.

    Is your info from like 1993 ? Because this little known version of Windows dubbed "New Technology" or NT for short brought along something called the NTFS (New Technology File System) that has... *drumroll* ACLs and strict permissions with inheritance...

    Unless you're running as administrator on a Windows NT based system, you're as protected as a "Unix/Linux" user. Of course, you can also run as root all the time under Unix, negating this "security".

    So again I ask, what about Unix security protects you from these attacks that Windows can't do ?

    And I say this as a Unix systems administrator/fanboy. The multi-user paradigm that is "Unix security" came to Windows more than 18 years ago. It came to consumer versions of Windows about 9 years ago if you don't count Windows 2000 as a consumer version.

    This is exactly the kind of ignorance I'm referring to. The vast majority of users don't differentiate between "virus", "trojan", "phishing e-mail", or any other terminology when they are actually referring to malware as "anything I don't want on my machine." By continuously bringing up inane points like the above, not only are you not helping the situation, you're perpetuating a useless mentality in order to prove your mastery of vocabulary.


    Wait, knowledge is ignorance ? 1984 much ?

    The fact is, understanding the proper terminology and different payloads and impacts of the different types of malware prevents unnecessary panic and promotes a proper security strategy.

    I'd say it's people that try to just lump all malware together in the same category, making a trojan that relies on social engineering sound as bad as a self-replicating worm that spreads using a remote execution/privilege escalation bug that are quite ignorant of general computer security.

    beluga whale. Beluga whales rely on polar,
  • Beluga whales rely on polar,

  • javajedi
    Oct 9, 01:29 PM
    Originally posted by Backtothemac
    Tell you what. I am setting up a Dual 867 for the Mall store with 256 MB Ram, and this thing is installing Windows under VPC faster than the PIII 733's that we have here. They are not SLOW! They may not have as fast a clock speed as a PC but who really gives a crap!

    Macs have again taken the lead in my opinion with OS X and the Dual 1.25.

    No one will ever change my mind. Call me a zealot, but that is what I think.

    How incredibly ignorant. You know as well as everyone else here that this is complete ************. What really pisses me of is when people with agendas put spin on an issue. This is exactly what you are doing. Your remark is equally as arrogant as saying "PC's are faster and nobody will change my mind because they boot in 10 seconds in Windows XP and the Mac takes over a minute."

    This attitude does not help Apple, and it does nothing but hurt the Mac community. You know folks it's interesting when you look back to the early to mid 90's at all the Windows bigots... you know those people who we tried to show them something intresting, something different, and something cool... the Macintosh, and they are entirely closed minded and extremely aggrogant. No matter how what you did, said, or anything else mattered. I'm seeing the exact same thing here, and it's discusting.

    I would suggest you �Think Different.�..

    beluga whale. Beluga Whale Picture
  • Beluga Whale Picture

  • matticus008
    Mar 19, 04:59 PM
    I'd like to see the RIAA, or in my case BPI, try to revoke the license on the 200 CDs I own simply because I've ripped them to my HDD to load onto my iPod. Removing the DRM to load songs I have purchased onto my phone, media streamer or Panasonic digital music player seems very similar to me, as does buying them without DRM.

    Your CD does not have DRM built in that you agreed to when purchasing the CD. Thus burning your CD is not a violation of the DMCA. Furthermore, the iTunes Music Store terms of service don't govern the usage of your CD collection.

    Burning or ripping a CD does not bypass copy protection (unless it's one of those ridiculous anti-copy CDs which is a separate argument altogether), does not break encryption, and does not violate any laws as long as you are not redistributing the files. Breaking DRM on a digital file DOES break a law--specifically, that DRM protection cannot be bypassed or broken. Using PyMusique software DOES violate the iTMS terms of service, specifically that the iTMS is ONLY authorized through iTunes itself. Songs from iTunes have DRM and users are bound to the TOS. Those are the terms of the purchase, and doing anything to change that is a violation of international copyright laws.

    Your analogy is invalid.

    May 6, 01:32 AM
    I have definitely noticed an increase over the past few months. I used to experience a dropped call about once every two months, and now it's about twice per week.

    AT&T really needs to work on this problem. It seems to be getting worse.

    Sep 20, 01:36 PM
    The iTV makes the elgato eyetv hybrid even more appealing. :)

    Use it to record your shows and then stream it to the iTV.

    -bye bye comcast DVR.

    what about calling it the iStream (ha)

    Apr 22, 10:33 PM
    Would it make a difference if a huge portion of what you've been exposed to, regarding religion/Christianity, was fundamentally incorrect? For example, there's no such place as hellfire; nobody is going to burn forever. Everybody isn't going to heaven; people will live right here on the earth. If you learned that a huge portion of those really crazy doctrines were simply wrong, would it cause you to view Christianity/religion differently?

    I would first like to know by what standard you could call those doctrines wrong while verifying your own.

    Aug 29, 01:19 PM
    I cannot speak at all to the Greenpeace report or what Apple does--I simply don't know enough.

    But, I have always thought that computers are somewhat wasteful in how often they are replaced. A school will at once replace hundreds of computers. And I as a consumer will replace a computer and iPod every couple of years.

    On the other hand, things like televisions hang around a bit longer.

    I wonder in the scheme of things though if using oil and coal as sources of energy isn't a much larger problem. I don't really know. I just always assumed it was.

    Apr 23, 12:37 AM
    Here's a hypothetical question:

    Do you believe in witches? (I assume the answer is no)

    Now we don't have a special word for people who don't believe in witches. You probably wouldn't claim that not believing in witches requires belief.

    Now the fact that you don't believe in those things doesn't necessarily preclude their existence. You just don't believe in them, because I imagine nothing in your life experiences or in the evidence you have been presented suggests that true witches exist. Would you say that this viewpoint requires belief?

    Do you think it's possible that you give religion and god undue weight and consideration because so many others believe in him/her/it and you have a hard time believing that so many people could be so totally wrong?

    I give it additional weight because those that believe in God are active in politics in a way that those who believe in witches are not.
    We have to be careful to consider these things, lest we have a theocracy on our hands.

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