funny quotes and sayings wallpapers
Sleep is a symptom of caffeine deprivation. ~Author Unknown
The vast majority of human beings are not interested in reason or satisfied with what it teaches. ~Aldous Huxley
Where liberty dwells, there is my country. ~Benjamin Franklin
It's very strange when the life you never had flashes before your eyes. ~Terri Minsky, Sex and the City, "The Baby Shower
Who dares to teach must never cease to learn. ~John Cotton Dana
God, why do I storm heaven for answers that are already in my heart? Every grace I need has already been given me. Oh, lead me to the Beyond within. ~Macrina Wieherkehr
The best way to mend a broken heart is time and girlfriends. ~Gwyneth Paltrow
I've spent most of my life walking under that hovering cloud, jealousy, whose acid raindrops blurred my vision and burned holes in my heart. Once I learned to use the umbrella of confidence, the skies cleared up for me and the sunshine called joy became my faithful companion. ~Astrid Alauda
Man has no right to kill his brother. It is no excuse that he does so in uniform: he only adds the infamy of servitude to the crime of murder. ~Percy Bysshe Shelley, "A Declaration of Rights"
The cow is nothing but a machine which makes grass fit for us people to eat. ~John McNulty
It's a mere moment in a man's life between an All-Star Game and an Old-timers' Game. ~Vin Scully
Of course abortion isn't right. But it is even less right to bring unwanted children into lifelong suffering and to strip women of their choice. Making abortion illegal is not the way to prevent it. There is a much larger picture that starts with much deeper roots. ~Anonymous
We come late, if at all, to wine and philosophy: whiskey and action are easier. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960
Knock the "t" off the "can't." ~Samuel Johnson
Contemplation often makes life miserable. We should act more, think less, and stop watching ourselves live. ~Nicolas de Chamfort
We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action. ~Frank Tibolt
Most people use music as a couch; they want to be pillowed on it, relaxed and consoled for the stress of daily living. But serious music was never meant to be soporific. ~Aaron Copland
There is no truth. There is only perception. ~Gustave Flaubert
The one thing children wear out faster than shoes is parents. ~John J. Plomp
My religiosity consists in a humble admiration of the infinitely superior spirit that reveals itself in the little that we, with our weak and transitory understanding, can comprehend of reality. Morality is of the highest importance - but for us, not for God. ~Albert Einstein
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