Saturday, May 14, 2011

justin bieber never say never premiere la

justin bieber never say never premiere la. quot;Justin Bieber: Never Say
  • quot;Justin Bieber: Never Say

  • DeathChill
    Apr 20, 09:18 PM
    I don't. I just don't have OS/X. I just assumed that OS/X might not have it since some OS/X users here were confused about Windows hiding system files. :)

    So wait, you don't own a Mac or an iDevice but you post here constantly?

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. At the LA Premiere of Never
  • At the LA Premiere of Never

  • sblasl
    Oct 28, 06:16 PM
    What's your best price on that puppy? I've been wanting to do that for a while. But my 500GB boot drive is almost full all the time. ;)

    Wish they made a 500GB Raptor. :p

    Right now has them at $229.99 with a $30.00 rebate. Must be purchased by October 31, 2006. That makes it $199.99. I've paid more for less in my life time.

    On my current G5, my boot drive is a striped raid with the following:

    2 - SEAGATE ST336607LW 10,000 RPM drives, for speeds up to 320MB/s
    1 - ATTO,ExpressPCIProUL4D
    1 - Granite Digital SCSIVue Custom RAID Case #3300 w/ Granite Digital SCSI VueTeflon Gold Diagnostic Ultra Cable #6960

    The raid gives me 68.1 GB of storage. I boot from this drive and have all of my applications on it. Storage for all music, videos, & pictures are kept on 2 - Maxtor 7Y250M0 250 GB drives that are internal.

    I have been spoiled with this setup but unfortunately, when I move to the Mac Pro I won't be able to use the SCSI setup.

    If anyone wants to buy this setup let me know.

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • Bonte
    Sep 22, 07:47 AM
    Either way, I am still willing to bet for a large family, cable is significantly cheaper (especially when you take into account all the TV watched for "background noise" (such as the food network)).

    Here in Europe we don't have that problem so much but i'm going crazy if i have to watch all the dumb advertising on the US networks, you guys pay much more then just the cable cost. Every 5 minutes there's a commercial brake and the endless repeating of the facts after it. I am willing to pay not to have these annoyances.

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. quot;Justin Bieber: Never Say
  • quot;Justin Bieber: Never Say

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 14, 04:29 PM
    The fact remains that most of America's energy problems are caused by conspicuous consumption.

    It's a global problem, though the US is the worst offender. Dealing with the energy crisis must be accomplished by attaking the problem from both ends - renewable sources at one end and lower per capita energy consumption at the other.

    The solution does indeed need to be multi-tiered and intelligently applied. I've heard that the Japanese Nuclear plants were built to survive a strong earthquake or a tsunami, but not both. Well what often occurs when you get a strong earthquake offshore? That's right, a tsunami! Brilliant planning!

    The current situation certainly exposes flaws in the design of the Japanese nuclear plants. To be fair, the severy of the disaster was extreme, but this is precisely the kind of worst-case scenario designers should have envisioned when they designed the plant. Even now we might see a partial meltdown in the Fukushima plant, though it appears that they've partially restored function to the cooling system. We should all be thankful that this didn't happen in a place where one of those Soviet RBMK reactors is still in operation - that would almost certainly have resulted in a full meltdown.

    As for solar, it should be mandatory on new construction in areas such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Las Vegas. It won't solve our energy needs but it will lessen them. Use the appropriate alternative technology where it will do the most good. Don't try to ship solar generated electricity across the country, just try to take advantage of it in localities that typically experience a number of sunny days.

    Solar panels are one of the most expensive ways to generate electricity (, and that is always going to cause a lot of resistance. For a homeowner, it's often a break-even proposition if conditions are favorable (but not necessarily ideal), and if the installation is thought out carefully. Wind power is considerably cheaper than solar and functions in places with little sunlight, so it is an important option to consider. In fact, wind power can be even cheaper than "clean coal" plants.

    Still, as you say, different solutions work in different places. Reducing our dependance on non-renewable energy sources must involve every means at our disposal, and they must be implemented to maximum effect wherever the conditions are favorable. Solar enregy is insufficient on its own, as are all the other renewable sources of energy. Only a combination of wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, and other sources can begin to generate enough energy to replace non-renewable sources.

    And as skunk mentioned above, we need to find ways to reduce consumption on top of all that.

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. never say nevermothers day day
  • never say nevermothers day day

  • camarobh
    Oct 7, 09:04 PM
    No way. Apple will continue to release new hardware and updates as the iPhone continues through it's lifecycle. It is a recognized brand and like it or not, the control Apple exerts over the user experience maintains it's value.

    Android is not recognizable to the general consumer, will be on some hardware manufacturer's phone, won't be consistent in its implementation, and will end up being just another phone OS.

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. Are you ready to see Never Say
  • Are you ready to see Never Say

  • JAT
    Apr 21, 10:33 AM
    Well, just think of it as paying toll on a road that your taxes had already paid for (probably a bad example).
    This is always a poor example. I don't think people understand just how under-funded the transport system in this county is. Here in MN we spend more on roads per population or capita than any other state, I believe. (I can't remember the stats) And our roads look like crap. You head south, where they think they can go 5x as long between repairs due to less temp variation than us here (and probably can), but really go 20x as long and also have crap roads. NO road is already "paid for".
    Look Android lovers... this is an Apple site. You don't need to call us "Fanboys" in a condescending way here. We are here because we love our Macs, iOS devices or we develop for them and like to keep up on the news. Yes... many here are "fanboys".

    We don't care about your customization, your 4G, your ability to steal music or video. It's stupid. You do know you can do all that on an iPhone too (with the exception of 4G - but who cares, very little markets have it). Yes, iTunes manages our music, apps and video, but I can add songs and videos from anywhere... just like you. If I want to be a geek and customize, I can jail break my phone and do all sorts of crazy things. You do realize the average consumer out there could care less right? They just want it to work.

    So, anyway... go love your Droid device. It is a nice platform. But sorry to say, it's not going to kill the iPhone or iOS. Apple is good at what it does and consumers love it. Their sales continue to show it.

    And, like it or not, Apple is the most influential high-tech company out there right now. They've done more for the PC and the Mobile industry than any other company in the last decade. You should be happy Apple exists as they've woken up many manufactures in the market as to what consumers care about. Quality product. Consistent experience and superior service.

    Please... if you want to impress your friends with your customized HTC Thunderbolt, go over to the Android forum and beat your chest and stop the pissing contest here. There's pluses and minuses on both sides and we could argue all day with no productive end result.
    Ah yes, logic. The one thing that escapes the whiny geeks.

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. quot;Justin Bieber: Never Say
  • quot;Justin Bieber: Never Say

  • gopher
    Oct 9, 07:28 AM
    If Windows XP didn't have so much spyware attached to it, and required registration, and the insecurity that Microsoft is so famous for on its systems (yes there are still as many bugs and holes in XP for hackers to get through as in Windows 2000 and before), and the fact remains none of the source code is open, where at least some of Mac OS X is open and free for development purposes, I would have gone to Microsoft. Speed doesn't matter a hill of beans if your machine is so insecure you can't trust your bank numbers to it. Macs are faster in some cases than Windows XP, while slower in others and they maintain a level of security that doesn't require a firewall or anti-virus program anywhere near as much as Windows XP does.

    I'd rather fly an airplane than a space shuttle with o-rings that leak.

    What's more, who really wants to be forced to support Microsoft?
    With a Mac you can avoid Microsoft altogether.

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. Justin Bieber #39;Never Say
  • Justin Bieber #39;Never Say

  • archipellago
    May 2, 04:41 PM
    That's completely false. The current installed base of Macs is around 100 million, and it grows by over a million Macs per month. You don't need a certain percentage of market share for a useful botnet; you need numbers. You talking to a handful of hackers is hardly conclusive. I can interview a handful of people in my neighborhood and find a consensus on any number of falsehoods. Get some facts (rather than making stuff up) and then re-join the discussion.

    trying to stick to facts...

    OSX marketshare was just shy of 50 mill as announced by Tim Cook at his 'state of the mac address' in October last year...

    will be higher now...but not massively so..

    heres a link to help you..

    apology by PM or in the thread is fine. :p;):rolleyes:

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. quot;Justin Bieber: Never Say
  • quot;Justin Bieber: Never Say

  • skunk
    Apr 24, 11:16 AM
    Don't forget it's thought the Caliph Umar ordered the burning of the Library at Alexandria.Among other theories:Destruction

    Ancient and modern sources identify four possible occasions for the partial or complete destruction of the Library of Alexandria:
    Julius Caesar's Fire in The Alexandrian War, in 48 BC
    The attack of Aurelian in the 3rd century AD;
    The decree of Coptic Pope Theophilus in AD 391;
    The Muslim conquest in 642 AD or thereafter.

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. Justin Bieber had eggs thrown
  • Justin Bieber had eggs thrown

  • emil.lofman
    Aug 29, 12:45 PM
    Greenpeace can shove it.

    Now that's an appropriate handle you've got there!

    One question for you, and all other posters that in some words or other wants Greenpeace to f off...

    Do you think that

    a) Greenpeace is lying


    b) it's pretty cool that the human race will soon be extinct?

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. Say Never” in Los Angeles,
  • Say Never” in Los Angeles,

  • backinblack875
    Apr 8, 11:03 PM
    I hope they poach someone that likes BUTTONS.

    WHAT?! the best thing about the iphone IS TOUCH!!!! NO MORE BUTTONS!!!

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. justin bieber never say never.
  • justin bieber never say never.

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 28, 01:03 PM
    Probably true, and quite sad really. SGI was a heck of a company in its day. I'm not sure they could have adapted. Once everybody else abandoned MIPS SGI couldn't afford new processor revisions by themselves, and the false promise that was (and is) Itanium irrevocably doomed them. Itanium basically killed off all the competition when the Unix vendors all hopped on the Itanium bandwagon, and Intel's complete failure to deliver on Itanium's promises looks in hindsight to have been Intel's plan all along. Just think of the performance a MIPS cpu would have were it given the development dollars x86 gets.

    SGI tried to build more popularity for MIPS by spinning it off as a totally separate company in the late '90s. But other than embedded applications and various closed architecture implementations, the MIPS CPUs became a dead product line. Too bad, they were always fairly nice CPUs... As for the Itanium deal, the only major UNIX vendor that essentially sunk with the Itanic was SGI. Sun just brushed it off and moved on, as did HP and IBM. SGI's ship was sinking long before thier jump to IA64... They initially started to even go x86 and it was totally obvious that this would work for them. But I think their corporate leadership and investors panicked when suddenly they had two Windows systems on the market that were outperforming their current model Irix workstations for less than half the price. If SGI was smart, they would have dug right in and milked that cow for all it was worth and continued to expand their x86 lines... 64bit x86 was already on the drawing board back then so it wasn't an unknown factor. SGI would have done well to port Irix to x86, too bad they didn't have the foresight to do it.

    SGI's technology isn't so much obsolete (who else sells systems with the capacity of an Altix 4700?) as it is unnecessary. 4 CPU Intel machines do just fine for 99.9% of people these days, and the kind of problems SGI machines are good at solving are a tiny niche. That's not just number crunching, a big SGI machine has I/O capacity that smokes a PC cluster.

    Altix is nice, but hardly unique in todays marketplace. That and it's still Itanium based, which is a glaring red flag. I'd much rather go for one of Sun's large-scale solutions based on Opteron CPUs. It may only give me 90% of the per-CPU performance with 70% of the bandwidth across the entire cluster, but it's also half the price and I know that the CPU architecture will still be supported several years from now. Itanium is all but dead and Intel doesn't even seem interested in supporting it anymore. Most major workstation and server vendors have dropped it already and Intel has missed ship dates for most of the IA64 products on their roadmap. SGI claims they came out of bankruptcy a very focused and agile company... Yet they're still producing products based on a CPU architecture most the rest of the industry has already written off. So yeah, niche market for sure. SGI can't even muster the resources to continue development of Irix and it's being discontinued this year. So now all they have is some overgrown IA64 Linux boxes. What's going to happen if their current sales figures stay about the same and their own technologies dry up? They're just going to become another business-oriented Linux server vendor placing off-the-shelf components in some of the prettiest boxes around for a super-premium price. ...That's practically all they are now and the only thing that really differentiates their products (other than the cool system bezels and rack enclosures) is their NUMALink design.

    I used to be very fond of SGI and their products, but that was years ago... The past 6 years have been a continuous downhill spiral and the company I once loved has been dead and gone for a long time now.

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. Tags: Justin Bieber: Never Say
  • Tags: Justin Bieber: Never Say

  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 05:12 PM
    Islam is more ideology/politcal movement than a simple religion.

    You're right, if more had been done to integrate immigrants rather than endorse multi-kulti then perhaps we'd see the new generation being less radical than their parents, however (in belgium at least) the children of immigrants, who were born in europe, are MORE radical and devout than their parents. madness...
    The radicalisation is a response to what many Muslims feel: Islamophobia and a war against Islam.

    Anything that goes against Western Values is evil to me... or at least anathema. I don't like the term evil, it's too christian... as is anathema for that matter.

    Wow, you are so very tolerant of other people. Some modern values come back from the great Islamic empire, or the Ottoman empire.

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. quot;Justin Bieber: Never Say
  • quot;Justin Bieber: Never Say

  • Eidorian
    Jul 12, 02:11 PM
    If they can put that BURNING G5 into iMac, why not the Conroe?
    Putting 65 W hot processor in iMac enclosure isn't that difficult.Someone posted the BURNING G5's (970FX) wattage. Does anyone remember it?

    Edit: I'm getting 970FX wattages ranging from 25-47 watts.

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. quot;Justin Bieber: Never Say
  • quot;Justin Bieber: Never Say

  • citizenzen
    Apr 24, 11:14 AM
    What's the deal with religious people?

    It's just tribalism, upon tribalism, upon tribalism.

    I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump off. So I ran over and said "Stop! don't do it!"

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. Justin Bieber Los Angeles
  • Justin Bieber Los Angeles

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 26, 05:50 PM
    Or it vanished in a miracle.

    For the bread has risen.

    That is too ******* funny!

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. Never feb la tonight
  • Never feb la tonight

  • Bakey
    Jul 12, 01:47 AM
    I guess time will tell, but Apple needs to get something kickass out the door around WWDC. I think we have all been waiting for hte final piece in the puzzle: pro laptops - covered, consumer laptops - covered, consumer desktop - covered, pro desktops - waiting...

    Pro desktops are not quite the last piece of the puzzle! PowerMac replacements and xServes are all that are needed to make "the circle complete".

    The iBook, PowerBook, iMac, eMac and Mac mini have all had/have their Intel equivalents as we all know... here's to waiting! And like so many on these forums my CC is clear and ready to melt... ;)

    I wonder I they put a Xeon in a Mac will it come with Intergrated graphics :confused: ;)

    I sure hope Apple don't put intergrated graphics in the Mac Pros as ANY sort of an option......

    I guess they may install integrated graphic chipsets as an option for the 'new' range of xServes [although I'm guessing IG won't be an option - rather they're already there with option of over-riding them via a dedicated graphics card]; I'm obviously speculating and thinking along the lines that the majority of xServe installs are simply that 'installs' and not graphic workhorses, etc.

    Either way, the countdown to WWDC has begun...!! :D

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. quot;Justin Bieber: Never Say
  • quot;Justin Bieber: Never Say

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 30, 04:22 AM
    Most classic geophysicists & geologists do not believe man is causing global warming.
    Absolute nonsense.
    Global warming is a natural process and has happened many times over the lifespan of the earth. Sometimes it precedes an ice age sometimes it is ralated to internal changes within the earth core. It has occured in our past and it appears to be occuring now. The real reason for cooling and warming of the Earth are not well understood.
    You are here talking about the natural oscillation of temperature (see my previuos post) geophysists often talk about which leads to an occasional ice age now then. There is a natural CO2 variation in the atmosphere which have been studied over extremely long periods by studying ice core samples from e.g. Greenland.
    Every single well-founded theoretical model over natural CO2 variation model predicts we are outside the natural variation.
    That is a fact.
    We also know that CO2 is very potent greenhouse effect.
    Thus we also know that the earth is getting warmer due to the increased CO2 level.
    The increased CO2 level coincides with the industrilization when man began to burn fossile fuel in a historically unprecedented manner.
    Mankind is causing the increased CO2 level. CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
    This can of course not the explain the natural variation of temperature, but the fact remains our activities here in earth is causing an increased temperature.
    Environmental scientists agree that man is causing global warming. All of their theories are based on models.
    All scientific models are just theoretical models and can not be prove themselves. (see Gödel 1931)
    But these models are designed trying to prove that man's production of greenhouse gas is the cause and they are way too simplified. We do not have enough information on all of the critical factors affecting climate change to build proper models.
    In consequense of your argument and Gödel, it follows that we never can say anything about science. This is the same argument tobacco lobbyists have been using in defence of cigarettes.
    Reality may be somewhere in between. However global warming has taken place on Venus and is currently taking place on Mars. Man obviously did not cause thes activities and it may or may not be related to the Earth's current episode of warming.
    Again, you are talking about natural variations. But again, not a single theretical model predicts the current CO2 level to be natural variation.
    I am not arguing with the idea of reducing greenhouse gas emissions if we can practically. Why contribute to a problem. I just don't think that we can effect climate change on a global scale and if the Earth choses to warm for whatever reason we will not be able to stop it.
    No one is claiming to have the final model explaining the temperature on earth. Nevertheless, the fact remains, we are outside the natural CO2 level. CO2 is a powerful greenhouse gas. There is a significant lag between the level of CO2 and the temperature on earth. Hence, if we don't do something now it might be late tomorrow. I wrote might, because, as you said, noone knows for sure. But are we really interested in playing dice with our own existence?

    Sidenote: In science, the name of the game is getting publications. The sorry fact is that you don't get publications by singing with the choir. Since this debate is considered both important and urgent, it is easier to get a not-so well-founded-model published right now. I have seen crazy ideas published explaining the incrased temperature on earth as cow flatulence and rotting trees at bottoms of lakes (methane gas is also a potent greenhouse gas)
    These publications makes it unfortunately even harder to sort out the real facts about this issue which very well might be the most important issue mankind has been faced with here on earth.

    justin bieber never say never premiere la. quot;Justin Bieber: Never Say
  • quot;Justin Bieber: Never Say

  • jholzner
    Oct 7, 02:15 PM
    Cause it's not. I played with the iPhone SDK for a test app and had to relearn a few things. For example, the + or - in front of a method, which means instance or class method (or vice-versa). I could find the right information (or Google keywords) to get it without a few bouts of swearing.

    Then my company got a contract to port an iPhone app to Android. And by port I mean rewrite since we can't share anything from obj-c to Java.

    Coming from a C/C++ background, the learning curve was really quick. Plus Google did a relatively good job with its SDK and emulator which work pretty well on both Mac and Windows.

    What you really meant was easier for you so you don't have to do as much. Judging by the number of apps in the app store it doesn't appear that most developers are worrying to much about it.

    Sep 12, 06:33 PM
    That's what I thought when I saw that they weren't specific about WiFi ... simply calling it "802.11 wireless networking" instead of specifically stating it was "802.11 A/B/G".

    but that brings up the point of what's sending to it. Doesn't matter that it has new tech to recieve at higher bandwidth if the computer streaming to it only sends out at 802.11g.

    Apr 10, 04:12 PM
    If you use keyboard shortcuts a lot - e.g. window switching, copy& paste, start+anything, you may find it different when first using it.

    They're mostly the same, just replace [ctrl]+ with [command] ie [ctrl]+[c] is just [command]+[c]

    Sep 12, 04:53 PM
    As an IT consultant, I recommend for anyone who's thinking of using an Airport Express for audio or a Mac Mini for a living room computer (or now this new iTV that will come out next year) to just spend the money on getting a wired connection. Ultimately, wireless will not be at the quality it needs to be to handle this throughput CONSISTENTLY. I still get skips on my Airpot Express when streaming from iTunes. When I had my Mac Mini wireless and I tried using Front Row to watch movies from other computers (similar to what iTV is supposed to do) it had a real spotty connection sometimes. The consistency and reliability of a wired connection is yet to be paralleled with anything else.

    Apr 22, 08:41 PM
    In science when there is a dearth of evidence for something, you fail to reject the null hypothesis (which is that hypothesis x is incorrect).

    If I wanted to make a claim about something, say that two bricks tied together will fall at the same rate as a single brick, I first have to make this my working hypothesis. The null hypothesis is that what I'm asserting is not true (in this case the null is that the bricks will fall at different rates). It's up to me to provide the evidence. If there isn't enough (or any) evidence, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

    When it comes to religion, it is the theologian who is making the claim. Thus, his working hypothesis is, "God exists." In searching for evidence, however, we come up with nothing. Thus we must fail to reject the null hypothesis, which is, "God does not exist."

    Agnosticism is really the position that the an affirmative statement on the matter of deities is impossible to know. It doesn't have a rational basis in logic or science, thought it might make some people more comfortable with their skepticism.

    Atheism is the position that, based on currently available evidence, there is no basis to consider any deity to be real. This could change as new evidence comes to light, of course. That is a quality you will not find in theism or agnosticism.

    As I said in my first post, most atheists that I speak to don't put this much thought and care into their atheism. They just take it for granted that it won't be challenged.

    How can you prove something's existence that exists outside of time and space? I don't think it's possible except through pure reason.

    Oct 25, 04:08 PM
    Just noticed Apple has added 750GB HDs to the Mac Pro configure page recently. Only a few weeks left 'til the Dual Clovertown Mac Pros ship.

    2.33GHz C2D MacBook Pros announced yesterday shipping today. Only MacBook & mini left to complete the Core 2 Duo transition. Should be all in place by Thanksgiving including 8-core Mac Pro. Very exciting. :)

    Yeah, I saw someone talking earlier about the addition of the 750GB drives... this gives me a new dilemma of deciding between 2 drives. I suppose price will be my deciding factor overall... I just want my 8 cores!

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