Saturday, May 21, 2011

Noctis Ff Versus Xiii

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  • skunk
    Apr 10, 06:12 PM
    Yes, but I choose to drive an automatic as most of my driving is in town.

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  • seashellz
    Jul 18, 01:25 PM
    1. The reports are coming in that the BR DVD picture is....well, lousy-while the HD picture is said to be primo. You can buy an HD player NOW (and discs-soon)for under $500.
    For all intents and purposes, $1000 Blu Ray players are as scarce as George Bush's IQ numbers-if there are even any to be had at all...

    2. *VERY Important: SONY has yet to produce a single BR disc under the promised new HD Codec 1- the prime reason to buy BR HD in the first place-the ones they are selling now are just 'prototype', being rushed to market so they can say "We were first!" which is like selling a car without spark plugs-youll just have to be patient until some arrive.

    Yes, a "Better Future" is just around the corner, as they like to say defensively-well I say- PRODUCE THEM-then we will believe-other wise, it is VAPORWARE.
    So you are in effect buying v.1 BR discs down at Best Buy-while v.2 discs are still being worked on-possibly to arrive by Christmas.
    Who would buy a BR disc that will be obsolete in a few months-that is-if the Codec 1 discs ever arrive at all-?
    They are having manufacturing problems with these still- [Corpspeak: "we are 'fine tuning' them"] which is the reason for the delay.

    2. SONY JUST GOT KICKED IN THE BALLS #1: (Reuters) a UK high court ruling Friday declared that the the giant SONY/BMG merger is not legal, and must be broken apart, worldwide.
    If this ruling stands, SONY will be sucked dry, in order to either fight this, or to seperate, as they have streamlined and folded the two companies in together so tightly-like two Octopi in battle-or love, that it will drain much time, money and resources from the company to fight the ruling, or to re-separate as two distinct entities should they could in fact, this SINK SONY.

    Because of this ruling, Warner Bros. have already backed out of a deal to merge with EMI.
    And while spokemen at EMI declared 'This will be no problem,'
    Warner Bros. spokesfolks retorted with-'We wouldnt bet the farm on that if we were you'
    The deal is on HOLD and possibly withdrawn.

    Anyway, this will be a HUGE drain on SONYs already shaky financial structure-they are literally betting the whole company on Blue Ray-hoping it wont become another Betamax. There is also much infighting in the ranks of SONY, according to reports. (also, they themselves admit they have lost 3% marketshare worldwide, since the merger (If thats so, why would they APPEAL the decision?!)

    3. SONY JGKITB #2: Reports are coming from the chip manufacturing plant that for every FIVE PSP-3 chips created, only ONE is usable-SONY still has to pay for the other chips. (Wednesdays
    (they are too complex, and they are rushing this whole thing to market too fast)
    What this means is that SONYs expected cash influx from selling these will be nill-in fact, this will bleed the company big time.

    What it will mean for the consumer, is that the PSP-3 may be very hard to find, as there will be supply and distribution problems, if this is not corrected PRONTO.
    SONY was counting on being able to flood the landscape with these in order to better 'push' BR.
    But apparaently not any longer.

    And we all know what it means when a desired product is scarce-much higher prices.

    SONY has alienated much of the CD community with the secret DRM implant from a few months ago.
    They have alienated much of the DVD community with subpar DVD releases of late.
    ie: too many pan and scan releases, or cancelled titles.

    And will they finally decide on flagging these BR discs so the folks with non-upconverting HDMI Monitors (or no HDMI outs at all) will be unable to play their discs in prime mode, if at all?
    If they do-all you thousands of folks with the non-upconverting/compliant "HD" Bigscreen TVs will have to donate them to GOODWILL, and buy a new one.

    While these trial discs dont have the feature yet, the *whole rational* in BRs security architecture was to keep
    people from copying or PLAYING 'unauthorized' discs.

    When SONY finally chooses to implement this essential (in their minds) baseline feature:

    1.You will be unable to download BR movies onto your computer from disc or Internet.
    2.You will need to connect to the internet through your player to get "permission" from a SONY server to play any title-not just SONY-Columbia movies.
    I do not know if HD discs/players have the same feature, but doubt it.

    Aside from the intrusion into your privacy, your player would be shut down via a signal from SONY if you tried to play a 'pirated', a backup disc, or one copied/borrowed from a friend. (It is not clear whether you will be locked out from that title only, or your WHOLE player will be shut down-and become a piece of junk-until the situation is rectified with SONY over an 800 number-remember, however, -thought criminals-er, pirates-you will have no reason to complain-or have recourse-what you did was ILLEGAL, so no amount of whining may save you-or your useless player.
    (While this is still conjecture-it is a likely and very real possibility-as they spent billion on just this sort of feature)
    They WILL NOT be burned by a cracked CSS code and wholesale DVD copying again.

    They are serious about "piracy"-and your friends borrowed copy of a title-maybe even if legit-will shut down your player just as if playing a dubious Chinese-made copy of PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN disc bought today.

    I dont think APPLE or anyone, should jump into BR just yet-It is not OUR duty to shore up a flagging, unproven-or any-HD format.

    Let the war of the marketplace and the better player decide, before you buy into another potential Laserdisc or Betamax-whether BR or HD, then make a decision

    It clearly looked for a moment that HD was the underdog, but that has changed overnight.
    While at this point I have a slight bias towards HD for no particular reason,
    I am sitting out ALL HD out until:

    1. ONE format emerges as the clear winner.
    2. Second generation of players and discs are available - a year or two from now-and most of the kinks are worked out.

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  • Proud Liberal
    Aug 16, 09:51 AM
    That is what i don't get, what is really going to be included in a wireless iPod? The only thing i could see is that it gets the ability to purchase music from iTunes or you stream internet radio or something. Also, the waste of wireless syncing to a computer. Am i missing something bigger?

    Count me in too...just don't get what you would need wifi for in an download (especially video) from iTunes would kill the battery. I prefer the KISS approach to electronic devices - keep it simple, stupid.

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  • ann713
    Feb 28, 02:29 AM
    My humble little corner. :o

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  • calderone
    Apr 3, 06:59 PM
    ^ I don't about you, guys, but is there a way to make the address bar auto-hide when in FS mode? Logically, you don't wanna see anything but page content when in FS mode, no?

    How is this logical? Just because I am in FS doesn't mean I don't want the ability to easily change what I am looking at.

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  • finchna
    Oct 23, 09:20 AM
    Apple needs to get away from making such a big deal our of small updates (processor change) as Intel will have such things changing more often than motorola or ibm ever did. apple should reserve such announcements and hoopla for major revisions or complete overhauls. based on recent benchmarks there is little performance improvement in these new chips save for the speed bump.

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  • Hans Brix
    Apr 20, 04:58 PM
    Yes I can drive a standard car.

    I would like to clarify a few things for people who don't live in North America on why so many don't drive Standard. Most cars today can't be had with a standard and even it's available you'd be hard pressed to find one, most dealer lots don't stock them. Certain cars have them but most don't offer it in higher trim levels so your stuck with automatic if you want a nicer car ex: Lexus IS, Ford Focus, Honda Civic, Accord, many Hyundai's.

    I've noticed this more and more. Hate it.

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  • skunk
    Mar 21, 02:52 PM
    I hope so, but the next question is how long Libya will have multiple governments, and under what conditions the rebels recieve official international recognition.I don't think there will be any conditions: at some point, effective authority will simply be seen to reside with them, rather than Daffy the Duck, and at that point, they will become the de facto recognised representatives.

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  • milo
    Nov 16, 10:45 AM
    31% is a little disappointing for 2x the number of cores.

    But you're missing the fact that the 8 cores are at a slower clock speed. If you compare 4 versus 8 at the same clock, you're looking at a respectable 47% improvement.

    I almost NEVER use handbrake from an optical DVD. That makes no sense to me. Why would you do that? :confused:

    To rip DVD's. Why add additional, unnecessary steps?

    Apple REALLY needs to get apps like quicktime and iTunes to run on any number of cores. Even if they don't use multiple cores on a single file, it should be a piece of cake to get them to process multiple files at once. If I want to convert eight files, it should just run each conversion at once on a separate core - it's the equivalent of running eight copies of the app (which shouldn't be necessary).

    I'd love to see them run Logic Pro - it supports four cores finally, and I'd like to know if they just upped it to four or if it goes beyond that.

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  • lordonuthin
    Apr 1, 06:43 PM
    sorry to hear about the errors. i hope everything gets worked out. you're putting out the points again! love to see that!

    No kernel panics here, but I noticed some a3 core units being send back early, usually in the first 10%, it started before 10.6.3

    Ok, I think the panics were caused by something I did, not the update, that is what I get for making too many changes at once, I'll have to test the configurations to see what caused them. All is well at the moment.

    yeah, that's not a bad idea to sell your current mac pro to help pay for the newer one. i hope you get the 12 core if they release one (and they better)Definitely the 12 core ;)

    I moved the 2 GPU machines to the basement where it is much cooler (I know the dust and spiders might kill them, but... hopefully no snakes...) and it is almost quiet upstairs now! The mac pro is soooo quiet! No other Mac that I remember having has been so quiet. I had to run the KVM and network cables between an air duct and the floor, it's kinda goofy but better than a new hole in the floor. Oh, and I accidentally created a network loop, not a good thing as it took me a while to fix. Downtime was only about 2 1/2 hrs, should have been less but I wasn't very well prepared; it was getting way too hot upstairs already.

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  • Consultant
    Mar 25, 03:59 PM
    Great news. And so thin!

    iPad 1 does not support HDMI out, so I'm assuming no, it doesn't work.


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  • miniConvert
    Aug 7, 05:11 AM
    Last time we played we beat you 3-0 in England im pretty sure.

    We should have won the bloody world cup.

    We dominated against Italy until Grosso dived and got the most dodgy penalty in history, then we would have smashed ukraine in the quarters, then we would have been in the semi's against Germany, then anythign could have happened. Lets just say FIFA didnt want us to win, because its the one sport we 'aren't meant to dominate'. So the ref played it that way.

    People should have learned not to count out an Aussie. Our spirit means we have the best in every field from sport to soldiers.

    We would kick ur ass
    Well, that's certainly a 'spirited' post! O_o

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  • pcharles
    Mar 23, 07:49 AM
    Did not say he would improve it either. :(

    Adding Bluetooth makes a lot of sense.

    It is a hard drive with a screen! What else can they do? I suppose they could put a 1TB drive in there and add thunderbolt. . . . . That would be interesting!

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  • danvdr
    Oct 23, 06:42 PM
    Along with the macbook and MB pro getting updates, for $14.95 you can download an ipod nano or ipod patch/software that lets you listen to FM radio without having to purchase the radio remote. Interface is the same as with the remote.

    Cool beans. Where can you get this download?

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  • Corban987
    Apr 26, 11:56 PM
    When I think of app store I always think of apples application store. The icon for it advertised on TV or websites says appstore, I think Amazon and Windows are trying to use Apples success on this.

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  • QuantumLo0p
    Mar 6, 02:23 PM
    Why do Americans harbor hate for diesel? I'm not very familiar with the differences between the fuels, other than gasoline is more refined.

    There are a lot of old perceptions about diesel. I love diesel; they are inherently more efficient than gasoline engines.

    I could say something like- "there are a lot of people in the US stuck on old tech, out dated, dirty, inefficient, gas powered cars that don't last as long as diesels nor have as good as ROI as diesels" but I wouldn't want to upset anyone who owns a technically inferior vehicle so I will keep my thoughts to myself.

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  • kmpoboy2
    Apr 10, 02:16 PM
    It's been 9 years since I own a car with a auto transmission. Both my cars are stick. I learned to drive manual on a motorcycle.

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  • imac_japan
    May 1, 08:04 AM
    latin is dead ! Long live Apple

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  • RodThePlod
    Sep 7, 07:00 AM
    Even though Apple is Apple, going up against Amazon, which will have more movie options at the time of launch is going to be tough...

    unless... they release some sort of new hardware [full screen ipod, plzkthx] that will take the spotlight.

    Here's hoping for "one more thing"... on Sept 12.

    I think it's funny that this is pretty much the only mention of Amazon in this thread... even though Amazon will be announcing a competing movie store in a few days with supposedly much more content than Apple's offering! :D

    It just shows how people think that Amazon will simply not be able to compete with what Apple has up it's sleeve. You just *know* that Apple would not announce this thing until they had the end-to-end user experience worked out to perfection - iPod-iTunes styleee - effectively using hardware and software that works seamlessly and that anyone can pick up and use.

    In contrast, Amazon will launch a service that will have a very comprehensive back catalog but will be frustrating to use as after downloading your movie, your options will be:

    Sep 6, 08:05 PM
    still think the prices are a little steep for things that can be watched on an ipod. Sure you can use the output from the dock to play it on your tv, but if you have a slightly big tv, it doesn't look DVD quality.

    You don't need the dock, you can just use a cable (

    I have to believe that movie downloads will be higher quality than the current TV shows.

    Sep 6, 07:26 PM

    IF YOU CAN'T, GET READY, BECAUSE THAT WILL BE THE ONLY MOVIE AVAILABLE... ugh... that and Mary Poppins... geeze...


    Nov 29, 04:02 PM
    Yep, cause the media center PCs are selling hand over fist and Tivo is making more money than they know what do do with. Oh, wait...

    you mean the market hasn't taken off yet because nobody's done it right. however, with apple in the ring.... hmmmm... :rolleyes:

    ipod anyone?

    Dec 2, 06:51 PM
    ^ depressing but true. desktop computer hardware taking a back seat to iphones :( sad day

    having been to CES, it's about 100x cooler than macworld i must say. it may just be the perfect forum to drum up more business

    well apple isn't showing up to macworld anymore, right?

    Sep 6, 09:07 AM
    Maybe i am alone on this one....

    I think the 24" iMac G5 is the beginning of the end of the G5 iMac. We all watched as the outstanding G4 iMac grew from a 15" to a 17" and finally to 20". While the stunning design remained the same, the 20" just didn't look as good as the 2 previous models. The proportions were wrong and it looked top-heavy.

    I am sitting in front of an original 23" Apple Display (plastic rather than aluminium). The new iMac cannot be much smaller than it. I firmly believe that the 24" will be, and should be, as big as it gets. I just hope that heat doesn't become a problem with the Core 2 Duo chips else the G5 iMac may have to evolve into a new enclosure.

    Anyone else have thoughts similar?

    I don't know whether you're right or wrong about a possible design change in the near future, but your terminology is wrong.
    The G5 iMac is not a model. The G5 is a CPU. The iMac has not been a "G5" (or, to be more correct, has not had a G5) since January.
    It's just "iMac." A G5 with a Core 2 Duo chip is like spouting off how you have a great "Intel Pentium Athlon machine made by AMD." People will see right through the ignorance.

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