Monday, May 2, 2011

quotes for best friends

quotes for best friends

quotes for best friends quotes for best friends quotes for best friends

quotes for best friends quotes for best friends quotes for best friends

Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends. ~Richard Bach

Sandwich every bit of criticism between two thick layers of praise. ~Mary Kay Ash

We have all taken risks in the making of war. Isn't it time that we should take risks to secure peace? ~J. Ramsay MacDonald

I'm the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. It's awful. If I'm on my way to the store to buy a magazine, even, and somebody asks me where I'm going, I'm liable to say I'm going to the opera. It's terrible. ~J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, Chapter 3

To feel keenly the poetry of a morning's roses, one has to have just escaped from the claws of this vulture which we call sickness. ~Henri Frederic Amiel

Wine is bottled poetry. ~Robert Louis Stevenson

Like everybody who is not in love, he thought one chose the person to be loved after endless deliberations and on the basis of particular qualities or advantages. ~Marcel Proust, Remembrance of Things Past: Cities of the Plain, 1922

I look at the NBA as a football game without the helmet. ~Tom Tolbert

I also realized that the philosophers, far from ridding me of my vain doubts, only multiplied the doubts that tormented me and failed to remove any one of them. So I chose another guide and said, Let me follow the Inner Light; it will not lead me so far astray as others have done, or if it does it will be my own fault, and I shall not go so far wrong if I follow my own illusions as if I trusted to their deceits. ~Jean Jacques Rousseau

The sound of tireless voices is the price we pay for the right to hear the music of our own opinions. ~Adlai Stevenson, speech, New York City, 28 August 1952

Opportunity is often difficult to recognize; we usually expect it to beckon us with beepers and billboards. ~William Arthur Ward

Where do you go to get anorexia? ~Shelley Winters

A cat improves the garden wall in sunshine, and the hearth in foul weather. ~Judith Merkle Riley

War! that mad game the world so loves to play. ~Jonathan Swift

Waiting is one of life's hardships. ~Lemony Snicket

What a folly to dread the thought of throwing away life at once, and yet have no regard to throwing it away by parcels and piecemeal. ~John Howe

It was while making newspaper deliveries, trying to miss the bushes and hit the porch, that I first learned the importance of accuracy in journalism. ~Charles Osgood

There are many wonderful things that will never be done if you do not do them. ~Charles D. Gill

Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. ~Cherokee Indian Proverb

When I quit working, I lost all sense of identity in about fifteen minutes. ~Paige Rense

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