Tuesday, June 14, 2011

princess diana car crash body

princess diana car crash body. princess diana car crash body.
  • princess diana car crash body.

  • KnightWRX
    May 2, 09:31 AM
    Unix Security FTW

    Please, enlighten us how "Unix Security" is protecting you here, more than it would on Windows ? I'd be delighted to hear your explanation.

    A lot of people trumpet "Unix Security" without even understanding what it means.

    princess diana car crash body. In the rear, Princess Diana is
  • In the rear, Princess Diana is

  • legacyb4
    Sep 12, 06:28 PM
    Hate to say it, but I agree... I've got an old P4/2.8 running MCE2005 with a TV tuner and while not outputting the highest quality video, it's fulfilling the role of what I want in my living room; namely, a digital recording device for TV content that can also play back DVDs and downloaded content. It'd be a plus if I actually used the computer but I'm a Mac man suffering the Windows solution for something that Apple hasn't fully provided me yet...

    When this thing surpasses the capabilities of my Windows media center and Xbox 360 combo then I will be impressed. Until then Apple is playing catch up to MCE and playing it poorly.

    princess diana car crash body. princess diana car crash body.
  • princess diana car crash body.

  • levitynyc
    Apr 9, 04:46 AM
    SOOO??? Apple didn't fricken BUY Activision. They only hired a PR guy. Jeeez!! Read the article before posting such lame drivel.

    Activision has lousy PR....thats all i was saying.

    princess diana car crash body. princess diana crash photos
  • princess diana crash photos

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 26, 10:53 PM
    It was not a Latin sentence, so it was certainly meaningless in Latin. If you look up "sign", as a noun meaning signification, and instead choose the first person singular of the Latin verb meaning "sign a letter", you are not off to a very promising start. Cicero would be rolling in his grave.
    I know the difference between a sign and what it signifies. But even if a group of words doesn't form a sentence, that group differs from the proposition the writer is trying to state with it. That's why you can translate a sentence from one language to another language. If I'm only beginning to learn French, I may say something that may be ungrammatical literally meaningless. But my teacher or another expert in the French language may know what it is I'm trying to say with it. Skunk seems to be talking mostly about a signifier, the group of words, when I'm talking mostly about what Caocao intended to signify with it. When someone says something I don't understand, I'll ask the speaker or the to rephrase it. I just realized that I misspelled CaoCao's screen name. But I'm sure you guys knew whom the misspelled name stood for.

    princess diana car crash body. PRINCESS DIANA CAR CRASH BODY

  • sblasl
    Oct 28, 02:16 PM
    OK, so I now know what the potential capabilities of the new machines will have. If I look at the Apple Store and see the 3 current base options & price, when the release occurs, what is the speculation of choices & prices?

    I am also wanting to know that if I have decided that the current 2.66 GHz meets my needs, should I hold off because they may bump the speed, lower the price, etc., etc. I also understand that everything is pure speculation. I am also not wanting to shoot myself because something else happens to the current line up.

    I appreciate the thorough & in-depth responses. It helps.

    princess diana car crash body. princess diana car crash body.
  • princess diana car crash body.

  • larrybeo
    Mar 18, 09:43 AM
    People who complain that your service provider is going to make you follow the ru:eek:les unnerve me with their uncanny ability to disregard all that stands to reason with the sustainability of your "toys." They are like little sissies on the playground crying after a Barbie Doll has been taken from them. Those people should man up and start paying for the footprint they leave on the network.

    princess diana car crash body. princess diana car crash body.
  • princess diana car crash body.

  • awmazz
    Mar 12, 04:16 AM
    Why is this Chernobyl?

    What are the similarities?

    What are the differences?

    What's your background?

    Do you understand why Chernobyl is uninhabitable for several hundred years, while Hiroshima and Nagasaki are thriving, gorgeous cities?

    Did you freak out at the "1000x" radiation levels too, like the rest of the western media did who didn't have the remotest clue that it was still magnitudes below the hazardous level? You certainly buy into the "Huge Explosion!!!" headlines, as evidenced by your post, so it's hard to take anything you say seriously.

    It's a serious situation, but you are panicking a little too much, with next to zero information.

    And inversely, you're way too calm with zero information. Or too trusting. I'll tell you exactly what the similarity is with Chernobyl. Being told by 'experts' that it's safe, nothing to worry about.

    History says I'll turn out to be right and you wrong.

    So if I'm a fool by buying into the 'huge explosion' headline and footage, what are you? Denying there was any explosion at all? This goes back to my first point, I see a huge explosion at a nuclear power plant with my own eyes on my TV screen and the steel skeleton of the girders all that's remaining of the building, and yet here you are an 'expert' claiming there's no problem because I have zero information? WTF?

    Hey, I've been hanging out on the forum for the iPad. But frankly i'm a little confused right now about what i just saw. From appearances (I mean appearances), the nuke plant in Japan BLEW UP, and they are lying about it if they say it's a minor issue. I don't want to believe this . You can see it with your own eyes, but i'm not sure exactly what i'm seeing. Certainly it isn't a small explosion.

    Until I know what's really happening I'm officially, totally, freaked out......Any takers? :D

    Building #4 is apparently totally destroyed by the looks of it, just the skeletal steel structure left standing. Some reports are saying it was just some hydrogen tanks which exploded. The question then is why did any hydrogen tanks explode at all? Because they were depressed and suicidal? Or because some really bad sh** going down in a freaking nuclear power plant made them explode? But according to puma1552 it's nothing to worry about and don't believe your lying eyes because you don't know what rad levels are.. ;)

    princess diana car crash body. Princess Diana
  • Princess Diana

  • skottichan
    Apr 15, 12:12 PM
    Right, because civil marriage is required for gays to have sex with each other. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. You can have sex with whomever you want to.

    We're talking about gay Catholics here, who ostensibly value being Catholic more than they value satisfying their sexual desires in a manner compatible with their sexuality. There is no theocratic regime forcing them to live as Catholics in good standing - it is a personal lifestyle choice, if you will.

    The problem is, I can't get married. I'm not allowed. Adopt? Not allowed (and the Catholic church has fought some very public battles to stop gays from adopting).

    Plus, the Church does not recognize gay marriage where it is allowed.

    I miss the good old days where I was sent to a parochial girl's boarding school, to "help me come back to God", by my step-father. Probably the best thing he unintentionally did for me. Thankfully, I suffered no bullying in school, since most of the other girls were there for similar reasons.

    I am a gay woman in her 30's, and I was devoutly Catholic until about 25 (my grandparents still hold leaving the Church against me).

    princess diana car crash body. princess diana crash body. princess diana car crash body.
  • princess diana crash body. princess diana car crash body.

  • hcho3
    Apr 20, 05:13 PM
    LTE is still not available on many areas in the US. Only Verizon has it. The first chipsets will have bugs and battery life issues. It's clear that apple doesn't want to try out first generation LTE chipsets.

    One analyst asked about iPhone 5 release date and Tim was like, "Dude, we don't comment on future products because all of those copycats are going to copy. In fact, they are probably listening to this conference right now. So, we are not going to say anything."

    princess diana car crash body. princess diana car crash body
  • princess diana car crash body

  • Steve121178
    Apr 28, 08:03 AM
    Horrible headline.

    You do not "slip" upwards.

    The headline is as false as the story. The iPad is not a PC.

    princess diana car crash body. princess diana car crash
  • princess diana car crash

  • solidus12
    Dec 30, 07:18 AM
    I think the realistic expectation is: "If Apple doesn't make any more changes to the iPhone for the next 10 years, there will be an Android phone to beat it by 2020!!"

    I feel like the trend is going to stay the same as it was with the G1. They're like "ooo look at our neat new features!!" Unfortunately, the iPhone/iPod just got those features, only better, just before you launched.

    The competition just can't stay ahead, and Apple is going to keep it that way.

    Yeah I mean what with the iphones Bluetooth transfers, tethering, awesome camara, Flash support, excellent reception, fantastic battery life etc..

    Yeah way ahead.


    The iphone is successful because of the user-experience; Its one a child can pick up and use, it is slick and fluent experience and its packaged in something attractive.

    People see it and are drawn to it because of this, the other phones require time and effort to navigate between menus and options to figure out how to use it - The iphone is simple. Pick up and play.

    It has pushed the boundaries on user-experience and how a phone should try and work Yes and that has been a very attractive feature because it does everything all other phones can do but presents it far better.

    princess diana car crash body. Princess Diana in December
  • Princess Diana in December

  • 29point97
    Apr 13, 12:36 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Bahaha yeah I realized that after. 2 days on the floor can make you a wee tired. Still holding my breath though.

    princess diana car crash body. Princess Diana car crash
  • Princess Diana car crash

  • res1233
    May 2, 03:24 PM
    I love how you all pretend like this is the first piece of intrusive software (Malware) for Macs or like there's no such thing as a virus for Mac...

    I'll just leave this right here...http://www.clamxav.com/

    if anyone knows a better one let me know, thnx.

    Dude, the only viruses antivirus software ever pick up are Windows viruses, to prevent them from being passed along unintentionally to windows users. Most of what "antivirus" software does for macs is catch other forms of malware which are not viruses. This is part of the confusion about what the word "virus" means. The correct term for this software should be "antimalware", but the average consumer wouldn't know what that is if they saw it, so the misinformation continues.

    princess diana car crash body. princess diana car crash body.
  • princess diana car crash body.

  • Chaos123x
    Apr 12, 11:28 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wonder if a boxed version with the other apps will be offered? Or maybe Apple will support the old Final Cut for awhile till FC X is ready for prime time. I mean where's Final Cut 8 and 9? Maybe there will be a transition phase???

    princess diana car crash body. princess diana crash body. Princess Diana; Princess Diana. Gatorman
  • princess diana crash body. Princess Diana; Princess Diana. Gatorman

  • Hodapp
    Sep 26, 04:22 PM
    8-Core Mac Pro? Can't wait to upgrade. :cool:

    princess diana car crash body. princess diana car crash photos. princess diana car crash
  • princess diana car crash photos. princess diana car crash

  • dante@sisna.com
    Oct 30, 02:24 AM
    I have to agree there as well. My G5 Quad is one of the nicest computers I've ever owned. Definitely one of the top 3, possibly the best. And that's saying a lot considering the types of PCs and Unix systems I've owned over the years. I've never had one bit of trouble with it and it's still rather powerful compared to what's out there now. Although, I can see why people would want to sell... I've been watching the G5 systems selling on ebay, hoping I could get a deal on another one, but it's not happening. They're going for just as much as a new one did last January. I could probably sell mine (8GB RAM, FX4500, 2x500GB HD) for more than what I paid for it initially.. Very tempting and I may consider that in another month when the 8-core Mac Pros are released. Because while the G5 Quad is an awesome system, the reality is that as soon as all my software goes universal, it becomes obsolete. ...I have no use for Classic or anything that's still PowerPC native. The only software I use that hasn't made the universal/Intel transition is Adobe CS2. And it runs OK as is on my MBP, not great, but at least it's usable and still faster than it was on my older dual G4.

    Ouch! You do make an Outstanding Case for that 8 Core MacPro. For Sure. Okay, so maybe I would be tempted to sell my Quad G5. Scary. . ..

    princess diana car crash body. princess diana crash body.
  • princess diana crash body.

  • skunk
    Apr 24, 06:48 PM
    I completely agree with you. These Abrahamic religions do have a lot in common.Including a completely identifiable chief god and pantheon shared with other local polytheistic religions. The only difference was that in the case of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the polytheism was suppressed and the chief god reigned unchallenged.

    Nope, not in the Old Testament either. There is a recounting of events which say what happened, but there is no commandment from God to "urge the believers to battle. If there are among you 20 [who are] steadfast, they will overcome 200...... And if there are among you 100 [who are] steadfast, they will overcome 1000 of those who have disbelieved...(qur'an 8:65) to this day.Maybe not in those exact words, but Yahweh spoke to Gad, David's seer, saying, Go and speak to David, saying, Thus says Yahweh, I offer you three things: choose you one of them, that I may do it to you. So Gad came to David, and said to him, Thus says Yahweh, Take which you will: either three years of famine; or three months to be consumed before your foes, while the sword of your enemies overtakes you; or else three days the sword of Yahweh, even pestilence in the land, and the angel of Yahweh destroying throughout all the borders of Israel. Now therefore consider what answer I shall return to him who sent me. David said to Gad, I am in a great strait: let me fall, I pray, into the hand of Yahweh; for very great are his mercies: and let me not fall into the hand of man. So Yahweh sent a pestilence on Israel; and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men. (1 Chronicles 21:9-14 WEB)and "Next we headed for the land of Bashan, where King Og and his army attacked us at Edrei. But the LORD told me, 'Do not be afraid of him, for I have given you victory over Og and his army, giving you his entire land. Treat him just as you treated King Sihon of the Amorites, who ruled in Heshbon.' So the LORD our God handed King Og and all his people over to us, and we killed them all. We conquered all sixty of his towns, the entire Argob region in his kingdom of Bashan. These were all fortified cities with high walls and barred gates. We also took many unwalled villages at the same time. We completely destroyed the kingdom of Bashan, just as we had destroyed King Sihon of Heshbon. We destroyed all the people in every town we conquered – men, women, and children alike. But we kept all the livestock for ourselves and took plunder from all the towns." (Deuteronomy 3:1-7 NLT)come pretty damned close.

    The New Testament Abrogates the Old Testament anyway, so it's not relevant to Christians.The Old Testament is absolutely valid for Christians. Without the Old Testament, the entire dynastic myth collapses on itself.

    princess diana car crash body. princess diana car crash body.
  • princess diana car crash body.

  • portishead
    Apr 12, 11:15 PM
    Adobe Photoshop and After Effects are not 'pro'? Please explain that to me. I never said Premiere. I made the switch to FCP in 2005 after 10 years of solid AVID work, yet I still use them both - just depends what job I'm on and who I'm working for. I stand by what I say - It looks like a fun 'toy' to play with. I have my doubts when it comes to some serious sound track organization and color correction. Reminds me a lot of when someone gave me a demo of Speed Edit by Newtek. It's really interesting how alike these seem to be.


    Photoshop & AE are awesome applications. Premiere might be a decent editing app, but nobody in the industry uses it. A very small % sure, but only because they don't know FCP or Avid. Maybe do-it-all small post houses, but not dedicated editors. I'm not really trying to knock Premiere - just stating facts.

    princess diana car crash body. Princess Diana
  • Princess Diana

  • cmaier
    Apr 21, 08:50 PM
    Isn't that the same thing google said with the nexus one?

    I may be forgetting something. :rolleyes:

    No, but how is that relevant anyway? An Apple fan was dissing microsoft.

    Apr 15, 10:30 AM
    But are you saying homosexuals should change it if they could?

    They should change maybe if they could (but as much as I know they can't and we have to acknowledge that fact) AND if they WANT to do so �because otherwise they wouldn't be able to stand their "handicap" and consider suicide. That would be easier than to change their sex with surgeries, heavy medicaments and so on.

    Too many "if�" I know. But you asked.

    Meet some likeminded persons who can handle being bullied sometimes. That happens to everyone in life and is no reason to get mad and desperate. Learn to get a "strong skin" and how to ignore those *******s. Essentially they are poor people loaded with psychic complexes.

    I learned that by driving cars. First I always shouted and called them things (learned that silly behavior from my father). Then I realized that all those undisciplined drivers will kill or damage themselves from alone sooner or later�no need to play the role of an angry judge.

    Apr 23, 05:22 PM
    I'm not cool enough to be an Atheist... :eek:

    Don't panic
    Mar 15, 10:23 AM
    Obviously, it wouln't be "all at once" and these types of things never happen in one single "foreign land". But history is wrought with many resettling of peoples, the Jews is just one example. This actually happens a lot for "unnatural" disasters like war and stuff.

    If this situation blows up more and more, heck, humans haven't even dealt with such a potential disaster outcome before. It's actually purely "unnatural" at it's roots. There isn't any natural deposit of refined radioactive uranium/plutonium/whatever that we've encountered on earth before. This is purely man-made and is not supposed to exist. I mean, what is there to do in such a case? I know GM, Microsoft, Motorola et al may have a field day if the Japanese just disapeared, but hey, there's added value elsewhere that many nations would value in having their human and physical assets close.

    i can't believe i am even answering this, and i am bewildered by the fact that you might actually be seriously thinking what you are writing.

    anyway, even the worst case scenario -a complete meltdown of all four reactors- is not even remotely close to the apocalyptic pictures you have in mind.
    'japan' is not going to 'blow up' or to be reduced to a barren wasteland forever.

    in the worst case scenario (which is very unlikely to occur), a small area will be heavily contaminated and a larger area will be moderately or lightly contaminated.
    tens or hundreds of people will get sick in the short term, and more would be at risk in the long term, a lot of people will have to evacuate to a safer distance from the reactor, and the economic cost of the clean up (and the recostruction in the tsunami-devastated areas) would be tremendous.

    but how you go from there to "japan is history" is mindboggling.

    Apr 28, 07:54 AM
    The iPad is a companion device and not a true PC.

    It will be. This is just barely scratching the surface.

    May 2, 01:23 PM
    Huge difference in my experience. The Windows UAC will pop up for seemingly mundane things like opening some files or opening applications for the first time, where as the OS X popup only happens during install of an app - in OS X, there is an actual logical reason apparent to the user. It is still up to the user to ensure the software they are installing is from a trusted source, but the reason for the password is readily apparent.

    Right. Not.

    In OS X is also pops up when doing things like opening files (html documents), DMG images etc. Of course this is correct behaviour, but OS X and Win7 are *fairly* similar in terms of user prompts.

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