Sunday, June 12, 2011

volkswagen beetle interior pictures

volkswagen beetle interior pictures. 2012 VW Beetle Interior Dash
  • 2012 VW Beetle Interior Dash

  • blahblah100
    Apr 28, 03:15 PM
    OK, so you want a completely independent tablet that does not communicate with anyone or anything unless you want it to but can still be useful as is. I don't think you are going to enjoy the next decade. That world is being pushed aside by the connected future. So while you will be able to get the tablet you want, it won't be the tablet most people will want.

    You think me young for thinking most PCs are mostly useless without Net connectivity. Fine, make your assumptions. What I was talking about is the business cloud present and future where PCs are becoming front end devices to cloud databases.

    As for personal use, most people don't even notice the hardware today any more than most people can tell you the ignition timing specs of their car. They just want to use their apps (drive their car). I think this is a healthy development because the computer should fade into the background for the next level of progress to be made. Don't worry, techies and hackers, you'll always have your devices to take apart (just as anyone can hack a car's engine if they wish). But the vast majority of computer users just want a device that gives them their apps. A new world awaits them, and they are going to love it.

    Will the "cloud" be hosted by Amazon in their North Virginia datacenter? :eek:

    I'm sure users will love that "cloud", at least as much as they love the Playstation network...

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. 2012 VW Beetle Interior View
  • 2012 VW Beetle Interior View

  • Hawkeye411
    Mar 27, 06:56 PM
    This thread is full of win!! Thanks!! :D

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. 2012 vw beetle interior. for
  • 2012 vw beetle interior. for

  • ericinboston
    Apr 28, 09:17 AM
    I would LOVE to buy an iMac...and have been wanting for a few years...but $1200 for essentially a web surfing machine and iPod syncing machine is just too expensive for what it will be used for. My 4+ year old Mac Mini works just fine and even that was a lot of money when I got it ($1200).

    A very high percentage of consumers (as is reflected still now in 2011 personal computer marketshare) primarily do web-based activities, a little bit of Office productivity, and iTunes and thus do not need to spend 2x the money for product B when product A is fine. Why buy a Mac for $1200+ when a $600 Windows box (including nice 20"+ monitor) will fit the bill just fine?

    Not trying to start the never-ending debate but this is the reality.

    I love the iMac look...but after a few minutes of pondering, I can get a machine for 1/2 the price with the same size monitor that will do exactly what I (and 90% of consumers) need. If you're a Mac lover or have to use the Mac for particular reasons, of course the Mac is going to be your choice. But for the high majority of consumers in the world...there's just no need to spend twice the price.

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle

  • alexf
    Aug 29, 11:36 AM
    My family, two parents and two kids, have purchased 6 ipods over the years.

    Replaced batteries on two of them.

    Never thrown any of them away.

    Still use all of them. Why would anyone throw an out dated ipod away?

    Try to think in the long term: where do you think these iPods will end up in 20 years? I highly doubt anyone will still be using an iPod they bought a quarter century ago.

    I am afraid that, in that sense, iPods are very disposable.

    Although the situation is becoming much more urgent with the rapic climate changes that are happening in the world faster than predicted, much of environmentalism is about thinking in the long term, and the environmental impact that company products and policy can have.

    And in this regard, Apple indeed scores very low, which only goes to show that they are really no different than a typical corporation that cares far more about its immediate profit than the earth and its future generations.

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. Volkswagen Beetle Interior
  • Volkswagen Beetle Interior

  • danredwing
    Oct 7, 11:26 AM
    I don't mean to be rude here. I would never claim that Android isn't a good, interesting and open platform, but I've used both and will definitely say that the Android Platform is no iPhone. It feels like software in a shell and is missing the elegant integration of software and hardware that Apple and the iPhone are known for.

    There may be more of them out there at some point because they are easier to get and work with more carriers and there are more companies making their version, so through competition, the prices will be lower.....sound familiar?

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. volkswagen beetle interior
  • volkswagen beetle interior

  • miketcool
    Oct 7, 04:22 PM
    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, a cupcake is going to take down iPhone?

    We currently have Donut. Eclair is coming, followed by many others. I will always take a nice pastry over an apple any day of the week. :D

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. 2012 VW Beetle Interior
  • 2012 VW Beetle Interior

  • Funkymonk
    Apr 20, 07:18 PM
    I like apple products better, MUCH BETTER. I still don't get how people say android is laggy and constantly crashes. I've used both the galaxy s and the desire hd and I thought they were incredibly smooth and responsive. I like my iphone better though lol.

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. new volkswagen beetle interior
  • new volkswagen beetle interior

  • puma1552
    Mar 14, 08:09 AM
    My opinion: it's time to end the age of light-water cooled pressurized uranium-fueled reactors. There's so many drawbacks to this design it's not funny.

    Meanwhile, the new liquid fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR) is a vastly superior design that offers these advantages:

    1) It uses thorium 232, which is 200 times more abundant than fuel-quality uranium.
    2) The thorium fuel doesn't need to be made into fuel pellets like you need with uranium-235, substantially cutting the cost of fuel production.
    3) The design of LFTR makes it effectively meltdown proof.
    4) LFTR reactors don't need big cooling towers or access to a large body of water like uranium-fueled reactors do, substantially cutting construction costs.
    5) You can use spent uranium fuel rods as part of the fuel for an LFTR.
    6) The radioactive waste from an LFTR generated is a tiny fraction of what you get from a uranium reactor and the half-life of the waste is only a couple of hundred years, not tens of thousands of years. This means waste disposal costs will be a tiny fraction of disposing waste from a uranium reactor (just dump it into a disused salt mine).

    So what are we waiting for?

    The problem with this is that the general public will not see any difference between this and the nuclear they are terrified of, so it's probably campaign suicide for any advocates of it.

    EDIT: Here's a FANTASTIC read on Fukushima:

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. new volkswagen beetle interior
  • new volkswagen beetle interior

  • drsmithy
    Sep 26, 09:55 PM
    I've said this before though: Apple, and other devs, need to make use of parallel processing. A handful of apps will use 2 procs / cores, but it's a wasteland above that. All these cores are great for working with multiple apps simultaneously, but I want to use 5-6 cores on one app. Make that possible and I'm happy.

    My only hope is now that multi-core systems have gone mainstream that someone (cough -M$-cough) will make multi-processor aware apps "fashionable" and extend the trend.


    The problem isn't making applications more "multiprocessor aware" (although that is an extremely difficult thing to do well), the problem is simply that the vast majority of applications spend 95% of their time idling. So, no matter how "aware" your app is, it won't make it do nothing any faster ;).

    Added to that, not all problems have parrallelisable solutions.

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. for 2012-Volkswagen-Beetle
  • for 2012-Volkswagen-Beetle

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 28, 08:45 AM
    Will you mind if those cheap laptop sales are included in the tablet sales figures?

    Laptops are not tablets. However, tablets are PCs.

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. 2012 vw beetle interior.
  • 2012 vw beetle interior.

  • eawmp1
    Apr 22, 09:23 PM
    OP, to back up your hypothesis we would need real percentages of atheists in the MacRumors community and the community at large.

    Perhaps the anonymity afforded one on the internets affects how one answers (just like the 16 year old hottie is actually a 45 year old cop).
    Perhaps education/enlightenment, long considered the anathema of religion, is at play.
    Perhaps a younger demographic here is a factor.

    But first, is there a higher percentage of atheists here?

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. volkswagen beetle interior
  • volkswagen beetle interior

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 07:18 PM
    I think it's pretty safe to say that Nicolosi is anti-gay.
    What does "anti-gay" mean? Is it a vague synonym for "homophobic?"

    But I do think there is a place in this world for therapists to work with people who feel conflicted with their sexual orientation. Heck, we accept that people can change gender ... why not sexual preference as well? In either case it's important that this would come from the patient's desire to change and not from the therapists desire to change them.
    I agree: There's a place for that kind of therapy. I even know people who felt conflicted about their sexual orientation. Unfortunately, the conflict caused them some of the severest emotional pain I could imagine.

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. volkswagen beetle interior
  • volkswagen beetle interior

  • MacPhilosopher
    May 5, 11:31 AM
    As much as I want to say that it s a grass is always greener type situation, in Phoenix AT&T is considered the worst. Especially indoors. They really must stretch the towers out here in the desert. I can;t even use my iphone in my home.

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. 2000 vw beetle interior.
  • 2000 vw beetle interior.

  • bigchief
    May 5, 12:01 PM
    I've been with AT&T for many years and I can not remember the last time I had a dropped call. If I started having dropped calls I would change carriers.

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. lt;lt; Back to post. 2012
  • lt;lt; Back to post. 2012

  • cocky jeremy
    May 16, 02:53 PM
    I used to never get dropped calls on AT&T and lastnight alone i had 2-4. To top that off, i called my GF and it was ringing (at least on my end) and her phone never even rang. Called both of my parents, same thing. They were 5 feet away from me at the time. WTF. :eek:

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. Volkswagen Beetle Interior
  • Volkswagen Beetle Interior

  • deannnnn
    Oct 7, 06:09 PM
    Competition is gooooood.

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. Volkswagen Beetle interior
  • Volkswagen Beetle interior

  • Sounds Good
    Apr 14, 07:32 PM
    I start a thread on

    "I enjoy Restaurant Win, but sometimes, I see an ad for Restaurant Mac and several friends tell me how much they love Restaurant Mac. I'm starting to wonder if Restaurant Mac should be my new favorite. I've passed by and looked in the window, I've checked out the menu by the front door. It seems nice, there's usually a good crowd. I really don't have specific reason to change, but it could be better than Restaurant Win. Please tell me all the negatives about switching.

    Later on in the thread, I comment: "Gee, you don't like the filet mignon at at Restaurant Mac? That stinks, I order that a lot at Restaurant Win; and no shrimp scampi on the menu? Lots of other comments that make this look like a bad change. Well, I was mostly curious, I'm good with Restaurant Win."

    I honestly have no interest in convincing you to switch, you may be better off with windows, but the fact is, I set myself up for this outcome. Why?

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. Volkswagen Beetle Interior
  • Volkswagen Beetle Interior

  • generik
    Jul 12, 12:02 AM
    Here's a little list i put together last week of my predictions for the next 6 months or so of a roadmap (whenever merom goes to 800 MHz on its bus, so maybe 9 months)

    MacBook: Yonah through 1q 667MHz bus Merom thereafter

    MacBook Pro: Yonah through 3q2006, 667MHz bus Merom through 1q2007,
    800MHz bus Merom thereafter

    Mac mini: Yonah through 1q2007, 667MHz bus Merom thereafter

    iMac: Yonah through 3q2006, 800MHz bus Conroe thereafter

    Mac Pro: 1333MHz bus Woodcrest

    I doubt it will be like this. While this was the trend back in the PPC days when consumers have no alternatives to make comparisons with, people can make direct comparisons now, and no way will your Macbook look remotely attractive when a PC at 70% of the price has better specs.

    "It runs MacOS" just doesn't cut it to switchers, sad to say. The corollary to that is "PCs come with Windows Vista".

    volkswagen beetle interior pictures. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle

  • gopher
    Oct 9, 07:28 AM
    If Windows XP didn't have so much spyware attached to it, and required registration, and the insecurity that Microsoft is so famous for on its systems (yes there are still as many bugs and holes in XP for hackers to get through as in Windows 2000 and before), and the fact remains none of the source code is open, where at least some of Mac OS X is open and free for development purposes, I would have gone to Microsoft. Speed doesn't matter a hill of beans if your machine is so insecure you can't trust your bank numbers to it. Macs are faster in some cases than Windows XP, while slower in others and they maintain a level of security that doesn't require a firewall or anti-virus program anywhere near as much as Windows XP does.

    I'd rather fly an airplane than a space shuttle with o-rings that leak.

    What's more, who really wants to be forced to support Microsoft?
    With a Mac you can avoid Microsoft altogether.

    Apr 24, 05:36 AM
    As sassy as that sounds- I am quite serious. :) I know, you wouldn't have got so far if you weren't serious.

    Mar 25, 11:46 PM
    The Catholic Church recognizes that people don't choose to be homosexual, however it does recognize that acting on those urges is entirely their choice. Chastity is what they are called to.

    That is only if they choose to be Catholic (or other manmade religion with such beliefs). Otherwise, they aren't called to chastity.

    Mar 18, 03:29 PM
    I haven't used the program, but anything that scares the music industry and bands like Metallic (about increased sharing/piracy) is bad news for itms. Apple will hopefully fix it before I finish typing this response. :eek:

    Mar 12, 04:45 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Common sense would tell you the reactor itself didn't explode some 4 hours ago.

    Don't you think if that had been the case the headlines would be everywhere? Considering it would trigger large government response and evacuations, it wouldn't exactly be easy to hide, and given how the media jumps at any bone any source throws them just to be first rather than accurate should show that it wasn't the reactor itself because all they are reporting is an unknown explosion. These plants aren't exactly simple, "Here's the gate, there's the reactor." They are very complex, large facilities with many many parts.

    Something exploded at the complex facility, but it wasn't the reactor.

    Not gonna bother replying to the rest at this point being I'm on a phone.

    Mar 21, 07:05 AM
    I am an Apple shareholder. I feel entitled to DRM-free products.Good for you, I am too. But as someone else here said, "I want a pony!"

    Present your opinion at the next shareholder's meeting. Presuming you own enough shares to bend their ear, they might listen. If not, then vote down Jobs and/or the board (again, owning a bunch of shares is helpful here.)

    Remember though, what Apple owes us is return on investment. The only logical reason to buy shares in a company is that you either want to earn profits from it or you intend to buy it out (and earn profits from that). Ask yourself this: does Apple removing DRM from iTMS tracks make financial sense? Before answering, consider that Jobs said (the day the iTMS openned) that the FairPlay DRM was the best balance they could strike with all of the record labels. I'm sure any change in DRM would require ratification of the contracts with those record companies. Fat chance. (The only way I could see this happenning would be if un-DRM'ed tracks cost $5 or something - but even then, I doubt it)

    The other reason to buy stock is because you like the company and want to support it. This is less of a logical reason, though, and falls under emotion. Not that there's anything wrong with that (it's probably part of my decision to own AAPL).

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