Saturday, April 30, 2011

quotes about school days

quotes about school days

quotes about school days quotes about school days quotes about school days

quotes about school days quotes about school days quotes about school days

You can only trust yourself... and barely that. ~Paige Wilson

A "Normal" person is the sort of person that might be designed by a committee. You know, "Each person puts in a pretty color and it comes out gray." ~Alan Sherman

In some families, please is described as the magic word. In our house, however, it was sorry. ~Margaret Laurence

One cannot escape the feeling that these mathematical formulas have an independent existence and an intelligence of their own, that they are wiser than we are, wiser even than their discoverers... ~Heinrich Hertz

All great truths begin as blasphemies. ~George Bernard Shaw, Annajanska, 1919

It is necessary to distinguish between the virtue and the vice of obedience. ~Lemuel K. Washburn, Is The Bible Worth Reading And Other Essays, 1911

I want to reach that condensation of sensations that constitutes a picture. ~Henri Matisse, Notes d'un peintre, 1908

If it can't be fixed by duct tape or WD-40, it's a female problem. ~Jason Love

Marriage is good for those who are afraid to sleep alone at night. ~St. Jerome, Attack on Jovinian

It is human to exaggerate the merits of the dead. ~Mark Twain

I... wonder what it is in the New York air that enables me to sit up till all hours of the night in an atmosphere which in London would make a horse dizzy, but here merely clears the brain. ~James Agate

My life has a superb cast but I can't figure out the plot. ~Ashleigh Brilliant

A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is rain. ~Arabian Proverb

Genius, by its very intensity, decrees a special path of fire for its vivid power. ~Phillips Brooks

When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. ~Kahlil Gibran

Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is to small to be made into a burden. ~Corrie ten Boom

A criminal is a person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient capital to form a corporation. ~Howard Scott

The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people halfway. ~Henry Boye The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people halfway. ~Henry Boye

Learning to skip has brought control into her life. Whenever she feels all sad, she switches into this wholly happy gait, sliding, hopping, and sliding again; when doing this, it seems as though her head separates from her body, making her feel dizzy and emptied out of bad thoughts. Does anyone else know this trick, she wonders? Probably not, although her Mother sometimes smiles and waves from the window. ~Carol Shields, The Stone Diaries

When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

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