Friday, June 17, 2011

call of duty 4 sniper wallpaper

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  • HyperX13
    Apr 28, 09:05 PM
    Apple is turning it's back on enterprise! But who knows, maybe smart strategy!

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  • Groovey
    Aug 30, 03:48 AM
    I think people are missing the point....

    Anyway who really gives a crap what a bunch of pot smoking tree hugging hippies think.

    I know I don't :cool:

    Is 99 for your year of birth? It's not like there's ten of them. You've probably had too many nightmares about Woodstock.

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  • UnixMac
    Oct 7, 07:54 PM
    Hi AtomBoy......great english for being from Japan, or are you an ex-pat?

    Anyway, I agree, the OS X part of a Mac is worth being a little behind on Mhz/DDR/etc...but I still want Apple to be "on par" atleast with Wintel, since I am spending close to double for their machines as if I had bought an unglybox.

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  • Liquorpuki
    Mar 13, 05:09 PM
    We don't need nuclear, or coal or oil for that matter.

    A large (think 100milesx100miles) solar array in death valley for example, could power the entire Continental US.

    No it couldn't. That would require grid energy storage technology that currently hasn't been invented yet.

    Look up base load generation. There are only a few sources of generation that fall under this category. Nuclear and coal are among them. Most renewables are not.

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  • relimw
    Sep 25, 11:36 PM
    Is my 8-core MBP going to be announced tomorrow?!? It's a Tuesday after all!!!
    Ok, now that that's out of the way...

    Would the XServes not be the ideal choice to get Clovertown initially? I mean, we've already been through how few apps make really good use of all those cores, a server would make more sense.

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  • wdogmedia
    Aug 29, 02:54 PM
    stem cells is not altering the original genetical code. HUGE difference

    The point is that Greenpeace opposes ALL R&D into GM foods, just as G.W. opposes ALL R&D into stem cell research, including research to use stem cells w/o harming the fetus.

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  • BenRoethig
    Oct 26, 04:06 PM
    You won't see a Clovertown Mac Pro until after Adobe announces the ship date for CS3. The reasons are simple -- a) most would-be Mac Pro purchasers are holding off until the native version of Creative Suite; and b) marketing-wise changing from a dual dual 3 GHz high end to a dual quad 2.66 GHz high end would be seen as a downgrade.

    Apple will wait for CS3, and by then there will be a 3+ GHz Clovertown available which will provide for an upgrade that would be much easier to market and sell.

    I would think the dual quad cores are meant for client�le a little up market from Adobe users.

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  • UnixMac
    Oct 9, 08:47 PM
    Alex you have made some very cogent points. I hope someone at Apple will listen.

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  • javajedi
    Oct 10, 07:10 PM
    I just ran the cocoa version on a 700mhz iBook..

    get this: 73 seconds! Still very slow compared to x86, but considerably faster than my 800mhz G4 w/L3 cache??
    If I recall the processor in the iBook is a 750FX IBM chip.

    Amazing. All the more reason to go with an IBM chip for the future Pro Macs.

    Thought you guys might find this intresting..


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  • mrwalker
    Aug 29, 12:39 PM
    As a Norwegian I can say that Apple has way more credibility than Greenpeace over here. We have seen what they are all about. Greenpeace is a bunch of spoiled city kids that has no idea what nature is.

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  • sblasl
    Nov 2, 08:25 PM
    Sorry, still trying to get up to speed on all of this intel stuff...:o

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  • calsci
    May 5, 08:28 PM
    they never seem to be on top of this issue.

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  • BenRoethig
    Oct 26, 09:04 AM
    I wonder if the current MacPro will finally be the first Mac where we could swap out the actual processor for the new quad. Didn't Barefeats or somebody do a test on that already?

    The intel machines use intel standard parts. No proprietary CPU riser cards or what have you. If you can get to the CPU, that is.

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  • wpwj40e
    Sep 12, 05:52 PM
    ABout the only real use I saw for thi sdevice was for the stuff Ihave recorded form elgato 500. Sinc eit dumps it into my itunes library - theoretically I should be able to access it. However, 5 gig files streaming are simply not pretty - and I do not want 640 * 480 on my HDTV.

    WHile I "get" the direction of this product - I am not sure where its marketing position is at. Most can easily buy an upconverting DVD player for around $50-60 - connect to their TV and buy tons of movies (and own them) at 10-15.

    Much higher resolution - no streaming fact for the average user this is a MUCH easier solution than downloading a movie - figuring out how to enable their various "apple" wireless devices to talk, connecting this box to the TV and dealing with any streaming hiccups....And they also get a much higher resolution - filling up their whole widescreen. Most users already complain about the black bars across the top and bottom - can you hear it when the entire "dvd download" is letterboxed?

    I really wanted to like today's announcmeents - and now am just confused.

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  • idea_hamster
    May 2, 08:56 AM
    So what does this do? What's the effect of the payload?

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  • nick9191
    Apr 22, 11:44 PM
    I disagree.

    For a start atheism (ass I see it) is not a belief system, I don't even like to use the term atheist because it grants religion(s) a much higher status than I think it deserves. The term atheism gives the impression that I have purposefully decided NOT to believe in god or religion

    I have not chosen not to believe in god or god(s). I just have no reason to believe that they exist because I have seen nothing which suggests their existence.

    I don't claim to understand how the universe/matter/energy/life came to be, but the ancient Greeks didn't understand lighting. The fact that they didn't understand lighting made Zeus no more real and electricity no less real. The fact that I do not understand abiogenesis (the formation of living matter from non living matter) does not mean that it is beyond understanding.

    The fact that there is much currently beyond the scope of human understanding in no way suggests the existence of god.

    In much the same way that one's inability to see through a closed door doesn't suggest that the room beyond is filled with leprechauns.

    A lack of information does not arbitrarily suggest the nature of the lacking knowledge. Any speculation which isn't based upon available information is simply meaningless speculation, nothing more.

    I don't think atheism is a belief system, but it requires belief. Not believing in a god requires believing there isn't a god. You could say I'm just twisting words there.

    I agree on all your points. I just can't bring myself to completely deny the existence of god, not through fear, but through fear.. of insulting my own intelligence. We can't prove god exists or doesn't exist, it seems impossible that we ever will. So I don't deny the existence of god, I do think it's unlikely and illogical, hence why I lean towards atheism (agnostic atheist).

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  • awmazz
    Mar 14, 11:34 AM
    Am I hearing the expert om TV right? He's saying the seawater being pumped in is just *around* the core container to stop it from overheating and melting. It's not actually *into* the core to cool it down.

    So basically these fire engines are just pumping water onto the outside of a red hot oven to keep it from melting while the oven still burns brightly.

    Seawater. I hear that's effective against Triffids too..

    Edit - The NYT article appears to contradict this, saying the water is being pumped in to cover the rods:

    The Kyodo news agency reported that the damaged fuel rods at the third reactor had been temporarily exposed, increasing the risk of overheating. Sea water was being channeled into the reactor to cover the rods, Kyodo reported.

    What I would like to say, better than I can say it. Awesome :D

    Regarding the ship-- it is my understanding that the amount of radiation they received was one months worth of background radiation. Often people forget how low this can actually be... we're not talking rem, we're talking mrem-- you get more radiation from living in a house with radon, medical imaging, or flying on planes, just to name a few.

    The key phrase is 'passed through'. So sailing through it. How long did that take, assume 10 minutes? So a month's exposure in just 10 minutes. If they remained stationary for a full day that equates to how many future sailors' babies born with no legs or whatnot? (See there? I'm not talking about deaths.) Quick arithmetic = 6 months backrgound radiation per hour = lookie there a nice divisible number, 12 years worth per day.

    So living in that house of yours in your example. Extrapolate that out. 12 years of background exposure per day for a whole year = 4,380 YEARS worth of normal background exposure per annum. How many deformed babies is that *not* to worry about in future years? Seriously, are you telling us all here that you would have your pregnant wife remain exposed to this sort of 'flying on a plane' level of radiation? That you would be happy to have your pregnant wife (if she was) remain within 100 kilomtres of Fukishima for any length of time based on current circumstances?

    You Puma and Sushi keep trying to play this down because you 'know how a nuclear reactor works', yet every day your "nowt trouble a t'mill" assurances are just hammered by a new event. An analogy in my mind right now would be architects insisting while we're watching smoke billowing from the towers on our screens that the girders were fireproof-coated so there's no risk of them melting and the buildings collapsing...

    Sorry, but the rest of us know how govts and corporations work. They lie. They cover their own arses. They are incompetent. Gulf oil spill. This very same Tokyo electric company saw the CEO and others resign a few years ago for falsifying safety records. So you ignore the most important aspect of the fleet readings. That they contradict the 'official' line we are being told. That they've now officially been caught lying about how bad it actually is.

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  • Sydde
    Mar 11, 11:50 PM
    Radiation leaks? In Japan? I hope they have someone keeping an eye out for really, really large reptiles

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  • bartelby
    Mar 12, 03:47 AM
    The main island of Japan, the complete land mass, has moved sideways by eight feet (about 2.5 metres). And the earth, the entire planet, has shifted on its axis by about four inches (10cm)... according to geophysicists reported over at CNN. (

    That's insane!

    Apple OC
    Apr 22, 09:08 PM
    If you want to argue about your religion(or lack there of), it's probably better to you use this thread ( We've covered a lot of ground there.
    This thread is about why there is a higher demographic of Atheists in this particular forum.

    someone hasn't posted in that thread for 5 months ... why would people all of a sudden want to revive it ... today we have this one.

    Oct 26, 10:56 AM
    After much debate and anguish i finally decided to order my Mac Pro yesterday... figures this would come up now.... /sigh. I am assuming they will only add a higher end config, but honestley... do any of us know?

    Apr 15, 12:31 PM
    I think one thing that would help the Gay community would be instead of focusing on how different they are focus on how much like everyone else they are. I live in one of the largest gay communities outside of San Fransisco, and as a straight male have nothing but the utmost respect and love for the Gay community. Its time though that they stepped up and said hey We are just like all of you!

    No, I don't agree with this. The GLBT shouldn't have to try to live up to the heterosexual norms of society in order to be accepted. This is really similar to when heterosexuals say "I'm alright with gay people as long as I don't see them doing gay things." Its like saying that being gay is okay as long as a person's identity is hidden from the rest of society. No, it should be accepted, and the GLBT shouldn't have to live out the heteronormative image to be treated with the resepect and dignity that human beings deserve.

    I love the message that it's alright to be who you are, and that you don't have to pretend you're straight to get some damn respect. I mean, I'm taking a university course focusing on Discriminaton in the Marketplace, and we've discussed many issues such as systemic racism primarily focusing on African Americans, or weight and ethnic discrimination. But this past week we were discussing how prevalent discrimination is against the GLBT, and there were some advertisements shown such as the Snickers Superbowl where two men eat the same snickers bar and end up having their lips meet in the middle. The ad ends with the men feeling disgusted and having to express their masculinity by ripping off their chest hair. I have several issues with this ad, such as the fact that homosexuality is still being displayed as something disgraceful and shameful that someone can't be associated with. Another is that the message is relayed that Gay men can't be masculine.

    The second ad we saw was a McDonalds commercial where a boy is conversing on the phone with his boyfriend while looking at a class photo of both of them. When the boys father comes back with his McDonalds meals, the boy has to end up call and hear his dad ask him about "the ladies." The ad ends with some message such as "Come as you are." After the ad there were a bunch of giggles coming from guys laughing at the gay nature of the ad. It sickened me because of the fact that it was a class focusing on discrimination and the apparent homophobia was so prevalent amongst my peers. I also had issues with the ad, which actually left me feeling worse about myself at the end of it. First of all, the boy had to secretly speak to his partner and hang up the call before his father returned. Then he had to listen to his father ask him about his relationship with women while the boy has to dismiss his real identity from his father.

    Ugh, and I also hate when people say "Why does the GLBT always say that we should be accepting towards them and their beliefs when on the other hand they're against people and religions who are against them; thats so hypocritical." I hate this statement because what the GLBT ask for and believe in is equality and acceptance and don't infringe on the rights of heterosexuals. While the belief that certain heterosexuals take on infringes on the rights of homosexuals and want unacceptance.

    And being gay isn't some stupid hipster fad that some of you refer to it as.

    May 6, 06:31 AM
    Maybe it isn't AT&T but the iPhone caller that is bragging about his iPhone, iMac, Apple, and Microsoft is dead, Flash sucks, Google copies... <click>

    Sep 12, 06:24 PM
    The Eye Home does not have Component and HDMI inputs.

    Wireless isn't built in.

    It's not an Apple product that will work better with Front Row than Eye Home will.

    Not completely accurate... EyeHome has component out - with a pretty decent 1080i Software Upconvert over Component to an HDTV set...

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