holding hands love quotes

From forty to fifty a man must move upward, or the natural falling off in the vigor of life will carry him rapidly downward. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
It is not for him to pride himself who loveth his own country, but rather for him who loveth the whole world. The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens. ~Baha'u'llah It is not for him to pride himself who loveth his own country, but rather for him who loveth the whole world. The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens. ~Baha'u'llah
To speak ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves. ~Will and Ariel Durant
It's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. ~Abraham Lincoln
The difference between a job and a career is the difference between forty and sixty hours a week. ~Robert Frost The difference between a job and a career is the difference between forty and sixty hours a week. ~Robert Frost
The tapestry of history that seems so full of tragedy when viewed from the front has countless comic scenes woven into its reverse side. In truth, tragedy and comedy are the twin masks of history - its mass appeal. ~Jose Ortega y Gasset, Historical Reason
An "acceptable" level of unemployment means that the government economist to whom it is acceptable still has a job. ~Author Unknown
No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting. ~Mary Wortley Montagu
Gardens always mean something else, man absolutely uses one thing to say another. ~Robert Harbison, Eccentric Spaces, 1977
Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live. ~Jim Rohn
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ~William Arthur Ward
It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others. ~Andrew J. Holmes, Wisdom in Small Doses
I will lift mine eyes unto the pills. Almost everyone takes them, from the humble aspirin to the multi-coloured, king-sized three deckers, which put you to sleep, wake you up, stimulate and soothe you all in one. It is an age of pills. ~Malcolm Muggeridge, 1962
If I ever marry, it will be on a sudden impulse - as a man shoots himself. ~H.L. Mencken
The final story, the final chapter of western man, I believe, lies in Los Angeles. ~Phil Ochs The fine arts once divorcing themselves from truth are quite certain to fall mad, if they do not die. ~Thomas Carlyle, Latter Day Pamphlets, no. 8
In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider. ~Ecclesiastes 12:14
The Anglo-Saxon conscience doesn't keep you from doing what you shouldn't; it just keeps you from enjoying it. ~Salvador de Madariaga
A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch. ~James Beard
Men get laid, but women get screwed. ~Quentin Crisp
The worst thing in this world, next to anarchy, is government. ~Henry Ward Beecher, Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit, 1887
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