Monday, May 23, 2011

funny pokemon cards

funny pokemon cards. picture I find very funny.
  • picture I find very funny.

  • zero2dash
    Sep 18, 01:44 PM
    Plenty of people ran NT on their desktops.

    Admission of your mistakes is a good step in becoming a better person.

    Key word being DESKTOPS.
    MP machines were server based long before they were included in desktops. I'd like to see where people had dual Xeon based DESKTOPS 'cause I've never seen it. It's not impossible but it's also not a good cost-based answer either. :p

    The server/desktop division with Windows - as with OS X - is one of marketing, not software. Windows "Workstation" and Windows "Server" use the same codebase.

    I never said otherwise.
    The hardware they run on is where it differentiates.
    Most people/corporations run server-based OS on servers and workstation-based OS on desktops (or "workstations" in the business world). It's not impossible to run a server OS on a desktop or a workstation OS on a server but it is incredibly stupid.

    Well, if you can't find evidence of Windows running on well on machine with >2 processors, or of the significant low-level changes Microsoft have made to ensure it does, you aren't looking very hard.

    Bad dual core support? Citations please. I think this is a case where a Mac fan is simply speaking out of ignorance of their "enemy" platform.

    I erronously bundled in "dual core" with "sketchy 64-bit support". Don't know why. From what I hear, 64-bit support in XP64 is sketchy because of device driver issues (and drivers not being natively 64-bit). I don't have any true 'dual core' systems myself but my P4 3.0C HT works fine in XP Pro. I apologize for lumping in "dual core" in.

    Similarly, if you're one of the "Vista is just XP with a fancy skin" crowd, you've obviously not done much research. The changes in Vista are on par with the scale of changes Apple made to NeXT to get OS X.

    User Account Protection is a big change. I've seen the list of "new features" and it doesn't do anything for me. UAP is's just really late. I'm sure there's changes "under the hood" like the ones implemented in XP sp2 to prevent buffer/stack overflows, etc. and I'm sure that's what you're referring to.

    I think people who say stuff like that are exhibiting a syndrome common to Mac folk who've never spent any time in the PC world -- they take negative comments they remember regarding versions of Windows or the PC experience from about 5 years back and assume they apply to today. XP, for example, really was for the most part a window-dressing of Windows 2000, but that is not the case for Vista. You see similar statements regarding "blue screens of death", overall system stability, etc, which suggest they haven't seen or used a PC since the late 90s/early 00's.

    So - are you inferring that Windows 2000 or Windows XP never blue screen? Because (if you are) that's a load of crap. I've seen blue screens in both OS's. Granted it's usually tied to hardware only, but it still happens. I've had an external USB drive blue screen in XP every time I turned it on, tried on 3 XP computers. Hardware fault, no doubt. Lately my HP Laptop dvd drive has been causing XP Pro to blue screen every other time I insert a dvd-r. Again - hardware fault.

    Otherwise are both OS's stable? Damn straight. But problems do occur and I hope you're not suggesting otherwise. No OS is without its flaws.

    funny pokemon cards. Funny pokemon Card 1 by
  • Funny pokemon Card 1 by

  • heisetax
    Jul 14, 08:24 PM
    Doh! Well, again IMHO, it is my preference to have only one optical drive built in. I could always add an external later.

    Why do the rest of us have to settle for your preference?

    I know people that have their systems running that could get by with a 5-10 GB hard drive. Does that mean that we should feel that all systems should only have a 5-10 GB hard drive, maybe a CD drive & since we all will have the same small needs a floppy drive. A DVD writer could make a complete backup in most ccases. Why would we need one of them. So why have more than one external 5 1/4" slot.

    I may only run probrams that I can download on the internet, why then even one external drive slot?

    Sounds a little far out. But what is really far out? Everybody has different needs & wants. Many Windows systems have the ability to have at least 4 internally mounted external 5 1/4" drives 2-4 or more 3.5" external drives, several internal 3.5" drives, 10-in-1 flash card reader/writers & many more things. My old Mac Clones had space for 4 5 1/4" external & 2 3 1/2" external drives, with either 2 or 4 internal 3.5" drives.

    There are people that need to run many different drives at once. They don't all want to have more external drives with all of those many, many cords than they absolutely have to. Right now I have 3 external drives hooked to my 17" PowerBook. Then there is usually a flash drive or 2 hook up to this system.

    Remember that everyone does their computing different. That means that only a certain group would be happy with what you think is all that needs to be in a system. Others will think that you have too much.

    My wife & me each have MDD PowerMac G4's for our desktop units. They both have DVD burne & CD burner drives. I miss the other slots that I have on myy Clones. I may have up to 6 internal 3.5" drives mounted. Usually a couple of SCSI drives, a couple PATA drives, & a couple SATA drives.s I still have 3-6 drives attached externally plus a NAS drive. Most external drives are FW800, with a couple FW400 drives & a 3 CF drives tower by Lexar.

    What is the correct amount of drives? To me it is whatever it takes to properly get your computer job down. So to you, it will always be, why more than 1 internal 5 1/4" drive.

    Bill the TaxMan

    funny pokemon cards. Funny Pokemon Card 2 by
  • Funny Pokemon Card 2 by

  • BRLawyer
    Aug 26, 02:54 PM
    Let's make it clear. The first revision of any highly integrated system is produced with an acceptable failure rate. With results coming in, failures recorded and internal testing continuous between the life of the first and second revision you will see a drop in failures in the next revision.

    Every item that is in the next revision will have been tested, more flaws removed, etc. No piece of hardware is released with zero defects. [human interference aside such as dropping the product, overheating it, intentionally forcing failure]

    If for every 1000 systems shipped approximately 20 fail, after a minimum predicted total hours, this 2% attrition rate is highly desirable. If you can't accept it you can stop using technology, now.

    For every ten people bitching on this board about failures there is over 1,000 that don't.

    That's exactly what I wanted to say...there are 10 whiners in this MR board that make a lot of noise, compared to 1,000,000 out there that don' we always have the impression that Apple is faltering, which is totally nonsense.

    What matter are the independent reports and the statistical data that show, continuously, how Apple leads the pack in terms of support, reliability and MTBF; the rest is anecdotal evidence.

    It's not only about industrial quality, which often depends on outsourced companies, overseas workers and contractual enforcement. It's also about giving the support a customer needs...and Apple is second to none in that.

    funny pokemon cards. On With Pokémon Cards
  • On With Pokémon Cards

  • CTMoore
    Apr 5, 06:46 PM
    As someone who's attended NAB yearly, (and again this year) Apple has not had a presence there since and currently are NOT on the exhibitor list for this years convention. Will take pics if I'm wrong though.

    funny pokemon cards. But a funny Rival.
  • But a funny Rival.

  • Daremo
    Apr 19, 01:30 PM
    Some advice to those who make these images about "LOL'ing at Apple"... Try proof reading so we don't LOL at you.

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  • Pokemon who are like a

  • snouter
    Apr 6, 11:07 AM
    My 17" has backlit keys and I like them. Is that so wrong?

    funny pokemon cards. Pokemon Card of the Day
  • Pokemon Card of the Day

  • banderson623
    Apr 27, 08:18 AM
    This is slightly off topic, but I saw a couple of posts of people who want to track their location data and see it or access it programmatically. I've been using Google's Latitude App (iPhone and Web-client) to track my location. They have an ability to get this data via a well documented API as well.

    I don't think it hurts battery life too much, and it is interesting to be able to see where you've been the last week/month/year.

    If you are interested check out and their iPhone App (

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  • DM Raven Pokemon Card

  • doctor-don
    Apr 27, 10:40 AM
    This is a lie

    Keeping a database of our general location is logging our location. :mad: Does Apple really think this double talk, where they say they keep a database of location but don't log the location is going to fly?

    At least our overlord will now, I hope, stop collecting location data when location services are turned off. It's a disgrace that it took a media storm to shame them into action.

    What a rightwingnut, especially when you read all the fellow's signature at the bottom of his post.

    funny pokemon cards. a game of pokemon cards.
  • a game of pokemon cards.

  • Malligator
    Mar 31, 03:56 PM
    Ironically, most of the people on this forum said iPhone on Verizon would be game over for Android.

    This 'game over for Android' reminds me a lot of the 'this is the year of desktop linux' stuff that has been said every year for the last 9.

    Or a lot like the "iPad Killer" monicker given to every piece of Android vaporware announced since 2007.

    funny pokemon cards. all the Pokémon who wander
  • all the Pokémon who wander

  • rezenclowd3
    Aug 14, 11:31 PM
    I enjoyed 4 quite a bit until it got into the super fast races. I have more fun racing a slightly tuned 350z instead of a completely modified GT that is putting 800+hp on the road.

    I do agree there unless it is an F1 or LMP1 race ;-) Must be due to my gaming driving skill:rolleyes:

    funny pokemon cards. funny pokemon cards.
  • funny pokemon cards.

  • Virtualball
    Apr 19, 02:19 PM
    Well if I'm wrong about the information, then I don't think anyone will argue about the fact that the Palm OS has been around since 1996, and the Apple iPhone uses a similar interface..

    All I'm saying is that If there were devices using a similar interface before the iPhone came out I don't see how its fair to sue anyone for it..

    Sigh, you're entirely missing the point of this case. No one's arguing that there's been a grid of icons before, it's just that Samsung went the extra step. See, Android itself doesn't have a near-identical desktop, but TouchWiz does. TouchWiz is what you see here, the icons have been made into squares (like the iPhone), there's now a Dock with frequently used apps with a grey background to distinguish it (like the iPhone), it has a black background (meh) but it uses white dots to note the page it's on (like the iPhone). They went the extra mile to provide an iPhone-like experience for their Android devices.

    funny pokemon cards. funny pokemon cards.
  • funny pokemon cards.

  • generik
    Aug 6, 03:10 AM
    No Macbook Pros?? I hope there won't be any. My MBP gets to stay top of the line for few more weeks ;)

    This kind of thinking is truly lame, just buy a Dell and go for penis enlargement surgury with the money you saved. No one will know the difference.

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  • easier store pokemon cards

  • littleman23408
    Dec 14, 06:26 AM
    Lookin good SevenInchScrew:cool:

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  • Pokemon TCG: Diamond amp; Pearl

  • Popeye206
    Apr 11, 11:30 AM
    They should stick to the June update each year. I know it may not be their fault but Apple need to keep the iPhone up to date, otherwise they will lose ground. Mobile phones are very competitive.

    Apple has never been one to react to competition in the recent years. They seem to do what they think is best and let others follow them.

    I think they know that if they bring out the best one when it is released, they will sell as many as they can make for a long time.

    funny pokemon cards. Promo Eevee#39;s Pokémon Power
  • Promo Eevee#39;s Pokémon Power

  • jeanlain
    Apr 12, 03:55 AM
    "Insufficient content"
    Is an error message that pops up at random. Very frustrating.

    But Compressor don't. At least not if you send something from FC directly. You have to create a QuickTime file first, then open that in Compressor, then it will use all your cores.
    BUT only if you have manage to set up Qmaster correctly first. It took me 5 days online to figure this out and make it work properly. I still come to post houses where they haven't figured this out.
    It shouldn't have to be this complicated
    The insufficient content shouldn't pop up at random, or there is a bug. It pops up when there is insufficient content for a transition. Some transitions like crossfade are centered at the end/starting point of a clip. So it expands past/before this point, hence the need of additional content in the file.

    I didn't know about that multicore issue with Compressor when launched directly from the timeline. I suspect an issue with your setup. Compressor does make good use of my 4 cores on mpeg2 and I never set up Qmaster.

    funny pokemon cards. MINT/UNPLAYED POKEMON CARDS at

  • jvmxtra
    Apr 6, 04:04 PM
    Wow. All the hype and pent up anti-Apple demand and all they could muster was 100K units. Very poor. Where are the other Android tablets?

    As for the RIM Playbook, that **** is DOA.

    WebOS will be way to late to the game but HP has huge retail distribution.

    I think Apple has won this one.

    can't stop staring at your icon pic.. NICE!!!! :eek:

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  • basesloaded190
    Apr 6, 11:12 AM
    I still don't think this means new MacBook Airs in June. Can anyone really see Apple releasing new hardware before Lion is released?

    Why not?

    funny pokemon cards. Funny Pokemon Cards
  • Funny Pokemon Cards

  • amin
    Sep 14, 10:53 PM
    I have noticed this emphasis as well; not being an expert on this issue myself though, would you care to shed light on how their coverage is an exaggeration and why we shouldn't be worried about it?

    I am no expert, and I am not denying that this issue matters. However, I see no cause for concern unless someone provides some decent evidence that it matters. It strikes me as odd that they (at AnandTech) put so much emphasis on explaining the theory behind a "problem" without making any competent effort at illustrating an example of the problem. When you go to configure a Mac Pro, the Apple page says the following about memory: "Mac Pro uses 667MHz DDR2 fully buffered ECC memory, a new industry-standard memory technology that allows for more memory capacity, higher speeds, and better reliability. To take full advantage of the 256-bit wide memory architecture, four or more FB-DIMMs should be installed in Mac Pro." Yet AnandTech chose a 1GB x 2 RAM arrangement to compare the Core 2 Extreme and Xeon processors. Using this setup, which effectively cripples the Mac Pro memory system, they find it to be at worst 10% slower than the Conroe Extreme (in a single non real world usage benchmark). Meanwhile in any comparison that utilizes the four cores, the quad Xeon whoops ass by a large margin.

    funny pokemon cards. funny pokemon cards.
  • funny pokemon cards.

  • bamerican
    Apr 25, 03:23 PM
    Where did this attorney go to law school...

    If you want a free consultation, check him out here (

    And one of the counts in the complaint doesn't even allege a civil claim.

    He's in way over his head. Apple's lawyers are going to eat him alive.

    This is going to be fun to watch.

    Aug 22, 08:19 AM
    This ComputerWorld Review is far less restrained than the ArsTechnica moderate take:

    Hands on: The new Mac Pro is 'one screamer' (

    You could say they are gushing over it. Looks like a home run in the PC world. Gonna get a ton of switchers - even if they only ever run Windows XP on it. Next question will be "Oh you have a Mac Pro. What OS are you running on it?"

    Answer: Whatever works for the job. :p

    Apr 6, 07:26 PM
    Totally depends on what tools you are using. Sure, when I'm at home working on a light webapp running nothing but Emacs, Chrome, Postgres, and using, for example, Python as my server-side language, 4GB of RAM is more than enough, hell I could get by with 2GB no problem

    You'd need 2 GBs for that ? My Linux server with about 384 MB of RAM runs that web/db environnement without breaking a sweat, with a load average of about 0.1, and that's not even a quarter of what runs off of it.

    No, seriously, people overestimate their computing ressource needs these days. Xcode is pretty light, Eclipse ran on computers from 10 years ago, so did Netbeans. Tomcat has been around and hasn't changed much from its 5.0 release, back in the early 2000s.

    The MBA is fine for running the tools you describe and would make a fine software development station for the needs you expose, don't ever doubt that.

    By "run everything", you can't possibly mean run games at "higher than medium" settings, nor edit lots of HD footage in something like Final Cut Pro. Though that's not what YOU use YOUR MacBook Air for

    I'd argue the needs I described are shared by much more people that the needs you claim aren't filled by a MBA. I doubt Final Cut Pro movie editing is anything but a small niche of what computer buyers do with their machines and "higher than medium" settings is not something I use to describe gaming. I value games for their playability, not how they look on my screen. Of course, I come from the era of EGA graphics and Adlib sound systems, when games were about gameplay.

    Still, the MBA does fine with iMovie and I can play Civilization IV at full screen on my external monitor of 2048x1156 pixels without breaking a sweat. It is a very capable machine, contrary to what you believe. Use one and see for yourself before you diss the thing. I can understand why you wouldn't be interested in one, I can't however understand the venom you spit at the thing.

    please, please, P...L...E...A...S...E - Can we have an integrated Cellular data chip

    Get a USB adapter. That way, your 2000$ laptop won't be tied to a single carrier the way Apple does 3G in its devices. I'm fine with my iPhone and tethering, I'd rather Apple sell the MBA on the cheap and leave the 3G option up to the users.

    It's not like you can't use a MBA over 3G networks right this day (or any other Mac for that matter).

    Wait, so MacBook Air has a TN panel? That makes no sense, the iPad 2 has an IPS panel...

    Anyway, I'd like to see backlit keys and an IPS display before I buy a MBA :cool:

    Very, very few laptops have IPS displays. The only one that comes to mind is the HP Elitebook with the DreamColor screen option (the standard screen on it is a TN panel).

    Apple does not install Flash Player on newer machines, so this is not a problem.

    Try ( or ClickToFlash ( or other HTML5-Safari extensions (!

    Youtube is not the only source of content out there and until all video provider sites are HTML5, computers without VDA framework support will be slower, run hotter and have lesser battery life than those with VDA support.

    And HTML5 won't be on all video sites until you can graft DRM on top of it. Think of the paid-for streaming providers like Hulu.

    BTW, my MBA runs Flash without any problems. I don't need Apple to pre-install it for me.

    You obviously know nothing about OpenCL ( OpenCL is not hardware dependent. OpenCL programs can run even on old 300 MHz PowerPC processors, if someone writes a OpenCL-compiler for this platform.

    And you obvioulsy don't understand what a GPGPU API is for. What good is running code through an API whose purpose is to offload your CPU by using ... your CPU. It makes no sense to emulate OpenCL in software, other than providing OpenCL on computers without a hardware implementation.

    In the end, you haven't achieved the purpose of OpenCL, which is to offload the CPU, since you haven't offloaded the CPU at all.

    The point is, the Intel 3000 HD on Mac OS X cannot run OpenCL code, so it's up to the CPU to do it.

    You failed to even counter my points. Your attempt is only about dismissal, which proves my points are very valid.

    Apr 8, 02:21 AM
    On the other hand, if you have some sort of special needs (e.g. needing a long cable in an area with lots of interference while transferring data with a high bandwidth), then a $5 cable might not be up-to-scratch. But it that is unlikely, so it's worth trying the $5 cable first.

    Well, I can't run my 1920x1200 monitor at that resolution on my MBP with a �5 mini-dvi to DVI adapter, only up to 1600x1200 :mad: Had to buy the Apple one. Still worth the attempt.

    Apr 10, 12:40 AM
    Hoping for some better multi-core support(although probably going to have to wait for Lion for the newer QuickTime engine) and a UI that isn't from the 90's:

    ^ Final Cut on Mac OS 9

    Final Cut on Tiger/Leopard/Snow Leopard:

    Only thing that's changed is the scroll bars.

    Apr 27, 08:58 AM
    I think it was not a bug, nut data waiting to be sent to Apple for profit generating purposes.

    But if Apple has been using this acquired data, why on earth is it allowing Google and others to eat away at its mobile & tablet marketshare? Why collect data if it isn't relevant to you business.

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