Monday, May 23, 2011

the six flags guy

the six flags guy. six flags guy dancing. school
  • six flags guy dancing. school

  • Slurpy2k8
    Apr 9, 03:52 AM
    Wait? There's no need to wait. You are doing yourself a disservice. Do yourself a favor. Go to one of your friends houses, one with a PS3 or Xbox and at least a 37 inch TV. Play Assassin's Creed or Prince of Persia. Come back and tell us what's the difference.

    Some us have lifestyles in which we are more than content with the entertainment selection on iOS devices-myself included. I don't have time, not desire to invest in playing games over long periods of time in a sedentary fashion. I play a game when want to clear my mind a bit, or kill time. I don't go invest huge amount of money and make that a goal, because frankly Id rather spend my time in a myriad of other ways. The vast majority of the population share my mindset. iOS devices not being 'HARDCORZ' enough is not going to hurt Apple. That market is shrinking, not expanding.

    the six flags guy. who is the six flags guy.
  • who is the six flags guy.

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 09:47 PM
    Dr. Spitzer is an intelligent, nonreligious psychiatrist who believes that some can change their sexual orientations.

    the six flags guy. the six flags guy. six flags
  • the six flags guy. six flags

  • awmazz
    Mar 14, 02:01 PM
    2) A CT scan is 150 mrem. Depending on the X-ray, it can be around 30-50 mrem.

    I have no idea why these sorts of examples are constantly used to allay peoples' concerns. Do you actually believe people actually think getting an xray is as harmless as washing with soap? We all see the technician/dentist/nurse go stand behind the protective screens when they use these things while telling us "it's fine, won't hurt you" and we all think "horse manure it won't" as the machine goes click click..

    You should do some reading; that dosage of 52 mrem/hour isn't going to stay like that for long.

    My reading of the NYT article says they could be releasing clouds for MONTHS if/until it's under control, so why do you assume it will not stay like that for long? Speaking of under control..

    The residents will be fine, you can put away your tin foil hats. If we have a melt down, then we'll talk.

    See, you're downplaying it again. I don't know why, perhaps it's just your nature to adopt the calming 'please remain seated' role when the theatre's on fire. Just don't mock the headwear of the people who advise to run for the exits instead while you do. Each to their own.

    What do you mean *if* we have a meltdown. Are you denying there has been a meltdown at all? I'll wager with you that there is not only just a meltdown, but actually *three* active meltdowns currently in progress right now. Even so, I'm not even sure where your confidence over the 'if' comes from, everything so far that we're seeing indicates that they are struggling to even keep the situation under control let alone stabilize it, so I believe it's more of a certainty than an if. I believe they are failing, if not already failed, and the situation is already out of their control so it's only a matter of time.

    Edit - my beilief is based on reading stuff like this (from the BBC) about the hitherto quiet reactor #2. While all the focus has been on the exploding #1 and #3, they've also been pumping seawater into #2 as well. So not only is that yet another wtf? moment, we also have a wtf? squared that the fire engine truck ran out of petrol to keep the pump going so the rods were exposed. So I hope you can understand what I mean about not having confidence that they are even abe to stay on top of the situation let alone control it.

    According to the main Japanese news agency Kyodo, the rods were exposed when the flow of seawater into reactor number 2 stopped simply because a fire pump ran out of fuel.

    With the entire region of Honshu island reportedly low on fuel and other vital supplies, a key question is whether plans are in place to keep the power station supplied with diesel.

    Edit 2 - the irony of a nuclear power station needing fossil fuel to save it...

    the six flags guy. Creepy+six+flags+guy
  • Creepy+six+flags+guy

  • Lucky736
    Apr 15, 09:59 AM
    Like many of the "It Gets Better" videos, this was very touching. Great job Apple employees, and thank you!

    Is there a pun intended here? :D

    the six flags guy. the six flags guy. six flags
  • the six flags guy. six flags

  • arkitect
    Mar 28, 05:01 AM
    I accept same-sex-attracted people as they are. But I won't accept some things that many of them do.
    Such as?
    Loving one another?
    Finding happiness in a same sex relationship?

    So very christian of you� so very typical.

    the six flags guy. The Six Flags Dancing Guy:
  • The Six Flags Dancing Guy:

  • AP_piano295
    Apr 23, 12:35 AM
    I don't think atheism is a belief system, but it requires belief. Not believing in a god requires believing there isn't a god. You could say I'm just twisting words there.

    I agree on all your points. I just can't bring myself to completely deny the existence of god, not through fear, but through fear.. of insulting my own intelligence. We can't prove god exists or doesn't exist, it seems impossible that we ever will. So I don't deny the existence of god, I do think it's unlikely and illogical, hence why I lean towards atheism (agnostic atheist).

    Here's a hypothetical question:

    Do you believe in witches? (I assume the answer is no)

    Now we don't have a special word for people who don't believe in witches. You probably wouldn't claim that not believing in witches requires belief.

    Now the fact that you don't believe in those things doesn't necessarily preclude their existence. You just don't believe in them, because I imagine nothing in your life experiences or in the evidence you have been presented suggests that true witches exist. Would you say that this viewpoint requires belief?

    Do you think it's possible that you give religion and god undue weight and consideration because so many others believe in him/her/it and you have a hard time believing that so many people could be so totally wrong?

    the six flags guy. who is the six flags guy. the
  • who is the six flags guy. the

  • BrettJDeriso
    Apr 28, 10:41 AM
    You're completely wrong, Piggie. Anyone who uses Mac hardware knows that. A Macbook Pro is a completely different animal than a piece of crap made by Dell that sells for half the price. Apple doesn't make junk, and never will. I'm glad. I don't care that Joe Cheapo wants the lowest priced garbage he can find, and doesn't care that its hard drive will fail in a year, that its motherboard will fry, it's underpowered, or that his experience will suck and he won't know the difference. Those of us who buy Macs and choose to spend more for a better made machine appreciate the difference. You get what you pay for - remember that.
    And people ARE buying them. In droves.


    Besides, just how much further below $600 does a computer have to be before it satisfies Joe Cheapo's definition of "low end"? My first Apple was a mini and cost less (and ran four times longer) than every single POS Dell, Compaq, Packard Bell, and Acer home-grown bargain bin Door stop I tried to buy or build on the cheap. I can't speak to it's ultimate demise, because I sold it -fully functional and every bit as capable- to another eager owner four years after I first absorbed the horrendous, unjust, impoverishing $500 sticker price.

    the six flags guy. That annoying Six Flags guy
  • That annoying Six Flags guy

  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 05:07 PM
    don't thank me, thank ct2k7 for saying just why islam is a threat to democracy.

    Again, I didn't say that. But I thank you for being ignorant to my comments to your quotations made, from incomplete sources, showing your complete lack in want to participate.

    So, follow the local law unless a sane muslim man commits apostasy (then sentence him to death as under sharia law).

    Except this doesn't work, since a sane Muslim man would not revolt.

    follow local law unless someone insults the name of muhammad or who is critical of islam.

    The law is only accountable for Muslims.

    so right there, we've gotten rid of freedom of speech and freedom of conscience.


    the six flags guy. who is the six flags guy. six
  • who is the six flags guy. six

  • slinger1968
    Nov 2, 06:28 PM
    I'm back where I was to begin with, ready to buy the 2.66GHz release I hope will happen Tuesday November 14. The lower power ones will also be slower with a slower FSB as well. I forgot to remember that.I wouldn't expect the Clovertowns to be a BTO option right away. Sure they are pin compatable but Apple will need to make sure that they can cool these chips well enough to be very stable. Maybe Apple has already been testing the clovertown config, but we haven't heard any rumors and who knows if they need additional cooling.

    I expect Apple to be more conservative than guys like Anand and Tom's hardware. Hopefully there's enough cooling "headroom" already built into the Mac Pro.

    Also, who knows if the chip yield is high enough to trickle down to Apple? I honestly haven't heard much on their expected ship numbers.

    the six flags guy. old Old+six+flags+guy. epitaphic. Sep 13, 02:00 PM. I think you#39;ve misunderstood. Merom/Conroe/Woodcrest are one microarch now. That#39;s Intel#39;s point -- the
  • old Old+six+flags+guy. epitaphic. Sep 13, 02:00 PM. I think you#39;ve misunderstood. Merom/Conroe/Woodcrest are one microarch now. That#39;s Intel#39;s point -- the

  • yg17
    Mar 26, 09:27 AM
    And all this coming from the organization who protects a bunch of child rapists. Why are people taking them seriously anymore?

    the six flags guy. the six flags guy. six flags
  • the six flags guy. six flags

  • snoopy07
    May 5, 02:22 PM
    The perfect solution would be for apple to give all US carriers the Iphone. Then we can go and pick the network that works best. People that like At&t stay with At&t, if you want Verizon or t-mobile then go, that way we all live happy. It�s your call Apple :apple: we customers deserve to choose our carrier for our iphone.

    the six flags guy. six flags great adventure map
  • six flags great adventure map

  • wordoflife
    Mar 18, 11:53 AM
    I hate how these carriers work in the US.

    If you give us a data allowance, that is what you give us - regardless of how we use it.
    If you were giving us unlimited data, then I could understand why you would be charging for tethering. But that would go bad anyways.

    I know its in the contract, but thats cheap.

    the six flags guy. who is the six flags guy. six
  • who is the six flags guy. six

  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 21, 08:58 AM
    What's wrong with that? I may not own a particular product but like being in X products forums to learn about it.

    in your case 'learning about a product' seems to revolve around telling everyone how misguided they are.
    maybe you need to look up the definition of learning.

    the six flags guy. Six+flags+guy+gif
  • Six+flags+guy+gif

  • (L)
    May 3, 09:06 PM
    No one is forcing you to read or post in any of these threads. You appear to be much more emotionally invested in this than many, including myself. Or maybe your caps lock and question mark keys are stuck.

    People sure get emotionally invested about the dumbest things....

    Anyone who deliberately uses more than one question mark in English is not properly literate, so let's hope our friend the von Magnum's keyboard is to blame.

    the six flags guy. guy from the Six Flags
  • guy from the Six Flags

  • OllyW
    Apr 28, 11:33 AM
    Ahh, good catch! But that's before the iPad was even released... not sure what Al meant by his comment...

    The launch of the iPad won't affect Apple's market share without the iPad included, which brings us back to Al's comment. ;)

    the six flags guy. who is the six flags guy. the
  • who is the six flags guy. the

  • Don't panic
    Mar 15, 08:30 AM
    Oh well...Japan is history...

    Time to start relocating the population and all their assets to Afghanistan. Didn't we find some ancient Buddhas there which the Taliban blew up? Well, we now declare that The Holy Buddha Land of the Japs! That MUST be were they originated from! They can even rebuild the nuclear reactors there too since no one gives a crap about that environment evidently. :p

    Come to think of wouldn't be too bad if Japan had to mass evacuate because of contamination. I mean, that place might eventually like blow up and flood at some point in the future right? It looks like it's on the verge of happening actually.

    That would be pretty cool if they evacuated now. I mean, where would they go you may ask? I think they would mostly come the the US. I mean, we sort of helped them build their country up after WWII and we've always had pretty strong ties. Our economy is similar too.

    Hey, we'll take Toyota, and Sony, and Mitsubishi...and heck, whatever can fit on the barges. :) I think it would be pretty symbiotic too as we use a lot of their crap anyway so might as well bring it all home. They have like the best manufacturing in the world and the US can use some of that today. We have lots of barren land all over the place that can be used for industry and Japanese ppl have the money to build here, rather than in the expensive cramped up island of theirs. Jobs for all! woot!

    are you trying to be funny?
    a) you are not
    b) it seems quite inappropriate

    and if you are not. wow.

    the six flags guy. who is the six flags guy. who
  • who is the six flags guy. who

  • nagromme
    Apr 15, 09:43 AM
    Great program! These are really well done; worth seeing for just about anyone, not just kids thinking of harming themselves.

    In fact, speaking as a straight kid who was bullied, the advice and commentary here DOES apply to me, and would have been encouraging, even if this particular program is in response to a cluster of LGBT suicides. (And a program like this, specific to LGBT kids, certainly is called for: they face many of the same challenges anyone else does, but they do face unique challenges too, for sure. Other programs have addressed bullying in general, which is great as well.)

    the six flags guy. who is the six flags guy. who
  • who is the six flags guy. who

  • ender78
    Sep 26, 04:03 PM
    :D Now that's a render farm!!

    2nd Story: Pixar announces that it is increasing its movie release schedule from one movie every two years to a movie every two days :)

    the six flags guy. who is the six flags guy. six
  • who is the six flags guy. six

  • Teddy's
    Aug 29, 01:06 PM
    Last week I discovered a magazine based in Toronto ( They base their reports in the old saying that all tulips must grow the same height. They have been hitting "google's related news" ( the Sweatshop issue) and getting traffic to their websites. So, maybe the same kind of guru is running Greenpeace.
    After what I have read about the enviroment friendly policy in Apple's website, I do not trust that Greenpeace report.
    They are a lot of really awful companies in the world. Greenpeace: give me a break!

    After 3 hours: Still, meh!

    Lesser Evets
    Apr 15, 10:11 AM
    Why does bullying have to be attached to GLBT?

    I was never L, B, G, or T, and my 7th and 8th grade were a constant fist fight as I went from class to class... kinda cool, now that I look back at it. Never a dull moment.

    May 2, 04:42 PM

    'windows more secure than OSX'

    check the results, you have people who are professional coders telling it how it is... and has been since 2007.

    ignorance of facts doesn't equal knowledge, if no one is trying to break the door down you don't need a big lock.

    Really? Find a source that makes the statements you suggest above that is unbiased. By unbiased, I mean a source that doesn't sell vulnerabilities to ZDI which then produces and markets specific hardware security appliances to generate revenue.

    Man in the browser is now the biggest issue for all OS's, malware wise.

    All the info. happens via the browser, there is no point attacking anything else.

    Hooking the APIs to log protected passwords in Mac OS X requires privilege escalation.

    Apr 22, 08:35 PM
    There are arguments and counter-arguments to both camps, which is why I choose to be agnostos. In the face of a dearth of evidence it's more rational to withhold judgment than leap to an extreme position.

    In science when there is a dearth of evidence for something, you fail to reject the null hypothesis (which is that hypothesis x is incorrect).

    If I wanted to make a claim about something, say that two bricks tied together will fall at the same rate as a single brick, I first have to make this my working hypothesis. The null hypothesis is that what I'm asserting is not true (in this case the null is that the bricks will fall at different rates). It's up to me to provide the evidence. If there isn't enough (or any) evidence, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

    When it comes to religion, it is the theologian who is making the claim. Thus, his working hypothesis is, "God exists." In searching for evidence, however, we come up with nothing. Thus we must fail to reject the null hypothesis, which is, "God does not exist."

    Agnosticism is really the position that the an affirmative statement on the matter of deities is impossible to know. It doesn't have a rational basis in logic or science, thought it might make some people more comfortable with their skepticism.

    Atheism is the position that, based on currently available evidence, there is no basis to consider any deity to be real. This could change as new evidence comes to light, of course. That is a quality you will not find in theism or agnosticism.

    Mar 24, 07:34 PM
    As cool as that poster might be, I doubt that he has the political or monetary muscle that the Catholic Church does.

    That doesn't take away from how utterly hypocritical that train of thought is.

    Sep 20, 07:30 PM
    Steve Jobs claimed the iTV "completed the picture," but it does nothing of the sort (based on already revealed features). In reality there is still a hole large enough to fly a 747 through.

    We need a way to record our own TV shows from our cable subscription. If Apple expects us to drop our cable/dish and buy everything from the iTS, they are sadly mistaken...

    In fact, the average american could not afford to cancel their cable subscription and buy their shows from the iTS. Consider this: the average cable bill is approximately $55 in the US for unlimited TV. This means for the same price you could buy about 25 episodes every month from the iTS. Let's say you watch The Daily Show, that is all you could watch.

    The average bill for a family of four would well exceed $150 a month if everything was bought from iTunes.

    Apple needs a wake up call.

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